Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Market Overview Of The Debt Of Singapore †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Market Overview Of The Debt Of Singapore? Answer: Presentation This report has been set up so as to get an away from of the tasks of the obligation advertise in Singapore in the here and now period. Among the worldwide financial decrease, it has been seen that there has been a drop in the obligation issuance comprehensively by 13% in the year 2015. This fall has been higher in the Asian nations where the rate has been around 43% for nearby money issuance and the G3 issuance fell by 13% (Room 2017). However the Asian bonds have considered a to be as a benefit class, which has been a critical outcome. Despite the fact that the drawn out budgetary issue of Asia has not changed as there have been the existent of positive financial possibilities rising white collar class and urbanization, yet sloth development of the economy won't just lessen the section of new obligation firms to expand development yet would even affect the capacity of the organizations to renegotiate their current existent obligation (Agarwal and Qian 2014). The obligation market of Singapore has even confronted the issues that have been talked about as different issues have been raised as for the oil and gas area as for their money related challenges. This paper will accordingly dissect the obligation market of Singapore with the goal that a reasonable thought regarding the obligation market can be comprehended. Examination of the Debt Market Corporate Debt Market In the year 2015, the new corporate obligation issuance got drowsy to SGD 174 billion as the financial perspective for the creating economies weakened and the course for the money related arrangements in the created economies turned out to be progressively unsure. By not bearing the lower new issuance sum, the complete exceptional obligation has an ascent by 2% consistently to reach SGD 315 billion because of a specific measure of developing issues. The extraordinary SGD obligation had reached SGD 140 billion while the non-SGD obligation was esteemed at SGD 175 billion (Room 2017). The budgetary organizations that have been appraised very much continued to assume a noteworthy job in the extension and the improvement of the obligation capital market of Singapore. For instance, the Korea Development Bank had gathered more than SGD 450 billion during the year in Dollars and in SGD and three nearby banks of Singapore gave SGD 12 billion inside and out. The obligation showcase hopes to have improved in the year 2016. During the initial a half year the corporate obligation issuance sum had an ascent by 12% as for the comparable period in 2015. There have been different new improvement openings like the secured securities and green securities that can mean higher assorted variety to the contribution of the item in the market of Singapore (Kalotychou, Remolona and Wu 2014). Guarantors and Issuances Being a worldwide center for fixed pay, the outside and the nearby guarantors can raise the non-SGD and the SGD interest in Singapore. The non-SGD corporate obligation of issuance has been seen as 85% of the general obligation issuance in the year 2015, which has underscored solid worldwide highlights of the corporate obligation market of Singapore. The market of SGD corporate obligation continued to pull in an expanded scope of monetary guarantors in the year 2015. The money organizations comprise of 30% of the issuance sum, which was 19% in the earlier year (Room 2017). The different classes of guarantors incorporate government offices, property corporate, non-corporate segments and so forth. The nearby backers have still remained the significant players in the Singapore advertise. The Land Transport Authority has been seen as the biggest non-money related organization of backer and has assembled by and large SGD 2.5 billion of every 2015. The obligation market of Singapore has still been an alluring territory for the issuances in the outside monetary forms. The Non-SGD obligation issuance has been around 85% of the general obligation issuance, which has been lower than the earlier year. The accessibility of a firm overall base of financial specialists that comprises of the protection and bank organizations and reserve administrators have helped the prerequisite for non-SGD named obligation (Jiang, Phillips and Yu 2015). The re-issuances have kept on being the critical driver for the volume of issuance that adds to over 90% of the general volume in the year 2015. The prior accomplishment of issuance has persuaded numerous corporate firms to give the equivalent in the obligation market of Singapore once more. Concerning the languor in the corporate obligation showcase, the quantity of lady and rehashed backers has diminished in the year 2015. On a total perspective, the general number of issues who were tapping the market in 2015 have been more prominent than the normal in the course of the most recent four years, which uncovers that the economical criticalness of the corporate obligation showcase in distributing the need of subsidizing of the neighborhood associations (Amiraslani et al. 2017). So as to make the issuance progressively vivid and alluring, the Asian backers so as to expand the universal capital in Singapore have revealed that they would present Asian Bond Grant plot in 2017. This plan has the arrangement of growing the base of the backers in the security market of Singapore, which would prompt expansion of assorted variety and broadness of the obligation instruments for the speculation society (Farooq, Ahmed and Saleem 2015). There have been a bigger degree of financial specialists who hail from different speculation profiles have been related in the obligation showcase and every last one of them have contributed fundamentally that have prompted the advancement of the corporate obligation market of Singapore. End The investigation of the obligation market of Singapore has uncovered that the market has been growing fundamentally from the earlier year and the worldwide guarantors have indicated more prominent enthusiasm for putting resources into the obligation advertise. Indeed, even idea the overall obligation showcase has gotten languid during the here and now period, the obligation market of Singapore has been pushing forward concerning the worldwide market. The mediators and the framework has a urgent task to carry out as a successful foundation would pull in the financial specialists in the Singapore showcase. It is foreseen that the Singapore market would improve the coming a long time too. Reference List Agarwal, S. what's more, Qian, W., 2014. Utilization and obligation reaction to unforeseen salary stuns: Evidence from a characteristic analysis in singapore.The American Economic Review,104(12), pp.4205-4230. Amiraslani, H., Lins, K.V., Servaes, H. what's more, Tamayo, A., 2017. A Matter of Trust? The Bond Market Benefits of Corporate Social Capital during the Financial Crisis. Farooq, S., Ahmed, S. what's more, Saleem, K., 2015. Overinvestment, Growth Opportunities and Firm Performance: Evidence from Singapore stock market.Corporate Ownership Control, p.454. Jiang, L., Phillips, P.C. what's more, Yu, J., 2015. New approach for building land value records applied to the Singapore private market.Journal of Banking Finance,61, pp.S121-S131. Kalotychou, E., Remolona, E.M. what's more, Wu, E., 2014. What makes fundamental hazard foundational? infection and overflows in the global sovereign obligation advertise. Room, R. 2017.Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). [online] Mas.gov.sg. Accessible at: https://www.mas.gov.sg [Accessed 12 Aug. 2017].
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Software Requirements Specification Template
Programming Requirements Specification Template CptS 322â€Software Engineering 9 February 2005 The accompanying commented on format will be utilized to finish the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) task of WSU-TC CptS 322. The teacher must favor any alterations to the general structure of this report. Layout Usage: Text contained inside point sections (‘’) will be supplanted by your venture explicit data as well as details.For model, will be supplanted with either ‘Smart Home’ or ‘Sensor Network’. Emphasized content is incorporated to quickly comment on the motivation behind each segment inside this layout. This content ought not show up in the last form of your submitted SRS. This spread page isn't a piece of the last format and ought to be evacuated before your SRS is submitted. Affirmations: Sections of this report depend on the IEEE Guide to Software Requirements Specification (ANSI/IEEE Std. 30-1984). The SRS layouts of Dr. Orest Pilskalns (WSU, Vancover) and Jack Hagemeister (WSU, Pullman) have additionally be utilized as aides in building up this layout for the WSU-TC Spring 2005 CptS 322 course. Programming Requirements Specification Lead Software Engineer Prepared for WSU-TC CptS 322â€Software Engineering Principles I Instructor: A. David McKinnon, Ph. D. Spring 2005 Revision History Date |Description |Author |Comments | | Document Approval The accompanying Software Requirements Specification has been acknowledged and affirmed by the accompanying: |Signature |Printed Name |Title |Date | |Lead Software Eng. | |A.David McKinnon |Instructor, CptS 322 | Table of Contents Revision Historyii Document Approvalii 1. Introduction1 1. 1 Purpose1 1. 2 Scope1 1. 3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations1 1. 4 References1 1. 5 Overview1 2. General Description2 2. 1 Product Perspective2 2. 2 Product Functions2 2. 3 User Characteristics2 2. 4 General Constraints2 2. 5 Assumptions and Dependencies2 3. Explicit Requi rements2 3. 1 External Interface Requirements3 3. 1. 1 User Interfaces3 3. 1. 2 Hardware Interfaces3 3. 1. 3 Software Interfaces3 3. 1. 4 Communications Interfaces3 3. 2 Functional Requirements3 3. 2. 1 3. 2. 2 3. 3 Use Cases3 3. 3. 1 Use Case #13 3. 3. 2 Use Case #23 3. Classes/Objects3 3. 4. 1 3. 4. 2 3. 5 Non-Functional Requirements4 3. 5. 1 Performance4 3. 5. 2 Reliability4 3. 5. 3 Availability4 3. 5. 4 Security4 3. 5. 5 Maintainability4 3. 5. 6 Portability4 3. 6 Inverse Requirements4 3. 7 Design Constraints4 3. 8 Logical Database Requirements4 3. 9 Other Requirements4 4. Examination Models4 4. 1 Sequence Diagrams5 4. 3 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)5 4. 2 State-Transition Diagrams (STD)5 5. Change Management Process5 A. Appendices5 A. 1 Appendix 15 A. 2 Appendix 25 1. Acquaintance The presentation with the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) report ought to give a diagram of the total SRS document.While composing this record please recall that this archive ought to contain the e ntirety of the data required by a product specialist to satisfactorily plan and execute the product item portrayed by the necessities recorded in this report. (Note: the accompanying subsection comments on are to a great extent taken from the IEEE Guide to SRS). 1. 1 Purpose What is the motivation behind this SRS and the (target group) for which it is composed. 1. 2 Scope This subsection should: (1) Identify the product product(s) to be delivered by name; for instance, Host DBMS, Report Generator, and so on (2)Explain what the product product(s) will, and, if fundamental, won't do (3)Describe the use of the product being indicated. As a bit of this, it should: (a) Describe every single significant advantage, destinations, and objectives as accurately as possible.For model, to state that one objective is to give viable revealing abilities isn't in the same class as saying parameter-driven, client determinable reports with a 2 h turnaround and on-line passage of client parameters. (b) Be steady with comparable proclamations in more elevated level details (for instance, the System Requirement Specification) , on the off chance that they exist. What is the extent of this product item. 1. 3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations This subsection ought to give the meanings everything being equal, abbreviations, and shortened forms required to appropriately decipher the SRS. This data might be given by reference to at least one appendixes in the SRS or by reference to different archives. 1.4 References This subsection should: (1)Provide a total rundown of all archives referenced somewhere else in the SRS, or in a different, determined report. 2)Identify each archive by title, report number †if pertinent †date, and distributing association. (3)Specify the sources from which the references can be gotten. This data might be given by reference to an addendum or to another archive. 1. 5 Overview This subsection should: (1) Describe what the remainder of the SRS contains (2) Explain how the SRS is sorted out. 2. General Description This segment of the SRS ought to portray the general factors that influence ‘the item and its necessities. It ought to be clarified that this segment doesn't state explicit necessities; it just makes those prerequisites more obvious. 2. 1 Product PerspectiveThis subsection of the SRS places the item into viewpoint with other related items or ventures. (See the IEEE Guide to SRS for additional subtleties). 2. 2 Product Functions This subsection of the SRS ought to give a synopsis of the capacities that the product will perform. 2. 3 User Characteristics This subsection of the SRS ought to depict those general attributes of the possible clients of the item that will influence the particular prerequisites. (See the IEEE Guide to SRS for more details).2. 4 General Constraints This subsection of the SRS ought to give a general portrayal of whatever other things that will restrain the developer’s alternat ives for structuring the framework. See the IEEE Guide to SRS for a halfway rundown of conceivable general imperatives). 2. 5 Assumptions and Dependencies This subsection of the SRS should list every one of the elements that influence the necessities expressed in the SRS. These elements are not plan imperatives on the product yet are, fairly, any progressions to them that can influence the prerequisites in the SRS. For instance, a presumption may be that a particular working framework will be accessible on the equipment assigned for the product item. On the off chance that, actually, the working framework isn't accessible, the SRS would then need to change likewise. 3. Explicit Requirements This will be the biggest and most significant area of the SRS.The client prerequisites will be exemplified inside Section 2, yet this segment will give the D-necessities that are utilized to control the project’s programming plan, execution, and testing. Every necessity in this area ought to be: †¢ Correct †¢ Traceable (both forward and in reverse to earlier/future antiques) †¢ Unambiguous †¢ Verifiable (I. e. , testable) †¢ Prioritized (concerning significance as well as security) †¢ Complete †¢ Consistent †¢ Uniquely recognizable (typically through numbering like 3. 4. 5. 6) Attention ought to be paid to the carefuly compose the prerequisites introduced in this area so they may effortlessly got to and understood.Furthermore, this SRS isn't the product configuration report, thusly one ought to keep away from the propensity to over-oblige (and accordingly structure) the product venture inside this SRS. 3. Outside Interface Requirements 3. 1. 1 User Interfaces 3. 1. 2 Hardware Interfaces 3. 1. 3 Software Interfaces 3. 1. 4 Communications Interfaces 3. 2 Functional Requirements This area portrays explicit highlights of the product venture. Whenever wanted, a few prerequisites might be determined in the utilization case group and recorded in the Use Cases Section. 3. 2. 1 3. 2. 1. 1 Introduction 3. 2. 1. 2 Inputs 3. 2. 1. 3 Processing 3. 2. 1. 4 Outputs 3. 2. 1. 5 Error Handling 3. 2. 2 †¦ 3. 3 Use Cases 3. 3. 1 Use Case #1 3. 3. 2 Use Case #2 †¦ 3. 4 Classes/Objects 3. 4. 1 3. 4. 1. 1 Attributes 3. 4. 1. 2 Functions 3. 4. 2 †¦ 3. 5 Non-Functional RequirementsNon-practical necessities may exist for the accompanying traits. Regularly these necessities must be accomplished at a framework wide level as opposed to at a unit level. Express the necessities in the accompanying segments in quantifiable terms (e. g. , 95% of exchange will be handled in under a second, framework personal time may not surpass 1 moment for each day, ;gt; multi day MTBF esteem, and so forth). 3. 5. 1 Performance 3. 5. 2 Reliability 3. 5. 3 Availability 3. 5. 4 Security3. 5. 5 Maintainability 3. 5. 6 Portability 3. 6 Inverse Requirements State any *useful* opposite necessities. 3. 7 Design Constraints Specify configuration compels forced by different gauges, organization approaches, equipment restriction, and so forth cap will affect this product venture. 3. 8 Logical Database Requirements Will a database be utilized? Assuming this is the case, what sensible necessities exist for information groups, stockpiling abilities, information maintenance, information honesty, and so forth 3. 9 Other Requirements Catchall segment for any extra necessities. 4. Examination Models List all investigation models utilized in creating explicit necessities recently given in this SRS. Each model ought to incorporate a presentation and an account portrayal. Moreover, each model ought to be recognizable the SRS’s prerequisites. 4. 1 Sequence Diagrams 4. 3 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) 4. 2 State-Transition Diagrams (STD) 5. Change Management ProcessIdentify and depict the procedure that will be utilized to refresh the SRS, varying, when venture extension or prerequisites change. Who can submit changes and by what means, and by what method will these progressions be endorsed. A. Supplements Appendices might be utilized to give extra (and ideally accommodating) data. In the event that present, the SRS ought to expressly state whether the data contained inside an addendum is to b
Friday, July 31, 2020
Symphony 9, Op. 95 From the New Blog
Symphony 9, Op. 95 “From the New Blog†Reading a seven-month-old issue of People, I discovered this week that Gwen Stefani, in addition to designing a bizarre new line of clothing, has now taken to paying an entourage of four Japanese girls to follow her around as a living fashion accessory. Her inspiration in this endeavor was apparently the girls who hang out in the Harajuku shopping district of Japan and wear funky punk-rocker clothing. It occurred to me that when I am wealthy and powerful (no doubt as a result of my MIT education), rather than buying a huge house or a penthouse apartment or taking lavish and exotic vacations, Im just going to use my fortune to pay people to follow me around and make me look cooler. Id like to dedicate this entry to the 44 people who checked out my blog yesterday even though I havent updated in 6 days; you guys are my American Idols. I also discovered while reading Guns, Germs, and Steel that the QWERTY keyboard that Western Civilization knows and loves so well was actually designed to reduce typing speed. It turns out that on the first typewriters ever invented had a tendency to jam up if adjacent keys were struck rapidly in succession. So, the QWERTY keyboard was created with two goals in mind: a) minimize the number of adjacent keys struck while typing, therefore requiring as much separation of the hands as possible b) slow typing speed to prevent and key breakage at all. To accomplish the latter, designers placed the most common letters on the left of the keyboard, ensuring that right-handed typists would be forced to rely on their weaker hand as much as possible. In the 1930s, when typewriter were more durable, making these initial design specifications obsolete, the typewriter/secretary industry (Big Typewriter) was already powerful enough to resist any change in keyboard layout, even though studies with improved layouts, such as the Dvorak keyboard, showed that the QWERTY keyboard was 95 percent less efficient. So, I decided that itd be a good idea to learn how to use the Dvorak keyboard and thereby increase my efficency 20 times. Plus, I thought I could put it on my resume and then have an amusing anecdote to tell when asked about it at interview. Unfortunately, according to Froogle, Dvorak keyboards normally run in the range of $60, and even a set of overlaying stickers, to convert a normal keyboard to Dvorak, would set me back about $20. Thats just stupid. So, Im hoping that Ill either be able to find one abandoned in a basement when I get back to MIT or that Ben will buy me one to advance the cause of my blogging. Wish me luck! Ill be back at MIT tomorrow night to organize my train-wreck-war-zone-hit-by-a-tornado mess of a room. Oh, and I shudder to think at how fast Mitra would type on a Dvorak.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How to Solve a Redox Reaction Problem
This is a worked example redox reaction problem showing how to calculate volume and concentration of reactants and products using a balanced redox equation. Key Takeaways: Redox Reaction Chemistry Problem A redox reaction is a chemical reaction in which reduction and oxidation occur.The first step in solving any redox reaction is to balance the redox equation. This is a chemical equation that must be balanced for charge as well as mass.Once the redox equation is balanced, use the mole ratio to find the concentration or volume of any reactant or product, provided the volume and concentration of any other reactant or product is known. Quick Redox Review A redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which reduction and oxidation occur. Because electrons are transferred between chemical species, ions form. So, to balance a redox reaction requires not only balancing mass (number and type of atoms on each side of the equation), but also charge. In other words, the number of positive and negative electrical charges on both sides of the reaction arrow are the same in a balanced equation. Once the equation is balanced, the mole ratio may be used to determine the volume or concentration of any reactant or product as long as the volume and concentration of any species is known. Redox Reaction Problem Given the following balanced redox equation for the reaction between MnO4- and Fe2 in an acidic solution: MnO4-(aq) 5 Fe2(aq) 8 H(aq) → Mn2(aq) 5 Fe3(aq) 4 H2O Calculate the volume of 0.100 M KMnO4 needed to react with 25.0 cm3 0.100 M Fe2 and the concentration of Fe2 in a solution if you know that 20.0 cm3 of solution reacts with 18.0 cm3 of 0.100 KMnO4. How to Solve Since the redox equation is balanced, 1 mol of MnO4- reacts with 5 mol of Fe2. Using this, we can obtain the number of moles of Fe2: moles Fe2 0.100 mol/L x 0.0250 L moles Fe2 2.50 x 10-3 mol Using this value: moles MnO4- 2.50 x 10-3 mol Fe2 x (1 mol MnO4-/ 5 mol Fe2) moles MnO4- 5.00 x 10-4 mol MnO4- volume of 0.100 M KMnO4 (5.00 x 10-4 mol) / (1.00 x 10-1 mol/L) volume of 0.100 M KMnO4 5.00 x 10-3 L 5.00 cm3 To obtain the concentration of Fe2 asked in the second part of this question, the problem is worked the same way except solving for the unknown iron ion concentration: moles MnO4- 0.100 mol/L x 0.180 L moles MnO4- 1.80 x 10-3 mol moles Fe2 (1.80 x 10-3 mol MnO4-) x (5 mol Fe2 / 1 mol MnO4) moles Fe2 9.00 x 10-3 mol Fe2 concentration Fe2 (9.00 x 10-3 mol Fe2) / (2.00 x 10-2 L) concentration Fe2 0.450 M Tips for Success When solving this type of problem, its important to check your work: Check to make certain the ionic equation is balanced. Make certain the number and type of atoms is the same on both sides of the equation. Make certain the net electrical charge is the same on both sides of the reaction.Be careful to work with the mole ratio between reactants and products and not the gram quantities. You may be asked to provide a final answer in grams. If so, work the problem using moles and then use the molecular mass of the species to convert between units. The molecular mass is the sum of the atomic weights of the elements in a compound. Multiply the atomic weights of atoms by any subscripts following their symbol. Dont multiply by the coefficient in front of the compound in the equation because youve already taken that into account by this point!Be careful to report moles, grams, concentration, etc., using the correct number of significant figures. Sources Schà ¼ring, J., Schulz, H. D., Fischer, W. R., Bà ¶ttcher, J., Duijnisveld, W. H., eds (1999). Redox: Fundamentals, Processes and Applications. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg ISBN 978-3-540-66528-1.Tratnyek, Paul G.; Grundl, Timothy J.; Haderlein, Stefan B., eds. (2011). Aquatic Redox Chemistry. ACS Symposium Series. 1071. ISBN 9780841226524.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Anorexia And Bulimi A Psychological Disorder - 773 Words
Health Science Anorexia and Bulimia Written by: Monique Chavez Nadia Jimenez Ashley Lopez Monica C. Every few second’s people are dying all around the world from diseases and different illnesses. Most of these diseases that are attacking us, involve the destruction of our immune system, but there are others that include attacking our thoughts and mind. Anorexia and Bulimia happen to be one of them that goes much further than just thinking yourself as fat. It’s a psychological issue that has become increasing over the years, because of the pressure of society. Young women and even men are feeling the need to damage their bodies in order to â€Å"blend†or â€Å"fit†in. Let’s begin with†¦show more content†¦The purging can include using laxatives, vomiting, enemas, and exercising excessively, in order to get rid of the calories that were consumed. Again the non-profit organizations separates bulimia into two categories; like anorexia it too has a purging, the second is non-purging (HelpGuide.org). Unfortunately the people who suffer from e ating disorders are the younger crowds of females, who are between the ages of 12-23. Although both sexes may suffer from the disease, it is proven by studies from the UK that â€Å"93% of the women reported having negative thoughts†(266). It usually approaches them when they enter high school, because it becomes apparent to them that â€Å"body image†is important to media and popular culture. Food and water is one of our main sources of survival. Just as the Sun provides life to the plants, we work exactly the same way with food. Our body depends on the food for energy and its nutrients. Without it our bodies would stop functioning correctly and would work ten times harder in order for us to live our everyday lives. Imagine starving your body and the results of how you would feel and act? It probably wouldn’t feel very good. The results of doing so come with consequences. For example with anorexia, there will always be a dramatic weight loss and yet still f eel fat. They also develop an obsession of counting calories and having a fixation on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Succubus Revealed Chapter 13 Free Essays
string(34) " began with were pretty standard\." Roman was impossible to live with after that. He refused to tell me any more details, only that Seth needed to undergo hypnosis and that more would be revealed once that happened. â€Å"But don’t you think I should know now?†I demanded, for what felt like the hundredth time the following day. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Revealed Chapter 13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"I don’t want to influence either of you,†came the response. â€Å"Just in case I’m wrong.†â€Å"I thought you said you’d figured it out! You’re saying now that there’s a chance you might be wrong?†â€Å"There’s always a chance,†he said pragmatically. â€Å"But I don’t think I’m wrong.†And with that infuriating response, there was nothing I could do except wait and speculate. I couldn’t figure out what exactly Roman planned on doing with hypnosis, but at least it seemed relatively safe. I wouldn’t have put it past Roman to say, â€Å"Let’s stage a trap for some demons and use Seth as bait.†There were worse things than being hypnotized into clucking like a chicken, I supposed. It took a number of days to get an answer. The delay came from finding a time when both Seth and Hugh were available. Despite his many formidable skills, hypnosis apparently wasn’t in Roman’s repertoire. It was, however, in Hugh’s, which I found kind of surprising. When I asked him about it, he explained that he’d once been at a medical conference, during which participants were required to take a certain number of seminars. He’d chosen hypnosis because he thought it would be a blow-off class. â€Å"It was actually harder than it seemed,†he remarked. â€Å"I did some more follow-up on it after the conference. Dabbled here and there. Haven’t put it to much use since then, aside from an ill-fated date last year.†â€Å"Are you going to be able to do what Roman needs you to today?†I nodded toward my living room, where Roman was pacing like a caged animal. We were all waiting on Seth to show up, and Roman kept obsessing over small details necessary to create â€Å"the perfect hypnotic environment.†He was constantly adjusting the lighting and moving the recliner. Sometimes he’d put it in the center of the room. Other times, he’d drag it to the side, where there were more shadows. We’d given up on trying to advise him. He was too irritable and wound up. Hugh frowned, watching Roman. â€Å"I don’t know. What he asked me to do . . . well, it’s pretty basic, as far as technique goes. It’s what he wants me to do with it that’s kind of wacky. I’ve read up on it a little this week, and honestly . . . I don’t know if it’s going to work.†I still didn’t know what â€Å"it†was and had resigned myself to patience. Seth arrived shortly thereafter, mood bright and optimistic. Andrea’s improvement after Carter’s visit had been remarkable, and it was affecting everyone in the household. I crossed my fingers every day that Hell wouldn’t send someone back to undo what Carter had done. Seth gave me a half hug and kissed me on the lips, a further sign of his good mood since he was usually so reserved in front of others. â€Å"You missed a good time,†he told me. He was wearing a Princess Bride shirt today. â€Å"I took Kendall and the twins Christmas shopping. They got Ian some used copies of The Metamorphosis and Candide.†â€Å"He’s into those?†I asked. â€Å"I mean, they’re great books, but I just never thought of them as his thing.†â€Å"Well, they aren’t mainstream best sellers – like some people’s sellout books – so he’s into the elitist appeal. He likes to go to coffee shops – obscure ones that you’ve never been to, naturally – and pretend to read counterculture literature. He’ll be glad to have the new material.†Seth’s amusement faded as he took in the living room, with all its drawn shades and Roman carefully arranging the recliner (again). Noticing our attention, Roman paused and glanced between the three of us. â€Å"I wasn’t sure what background noise would work best, so I loaded a few different things onto my iPod. I’ve got ocean waves, wind chimes, and white noise.†Hugh shrugged. â€Å"Makes no difference to me. I’m not the one being hypnotized.†â€Å"I’m still not sure I can be hypnotized,†said Seth. â€Å"But if it doesn’t matter . . . hmm, are there seagulls with the ocean waves?†â€Å"Yes,†said Roman. â€Å"Then let’s go white noise.†Roman obligingly started it up, filling the room with what sounded more like faulty radio reception than soothing neutral sounds. â€Å"Maybe you should keep it at a low volume,†I suggested delicately. â€Å"You know, you don’t want it to be so soothing that Seth falls asleep.†Roman looked dubious, but at a nod from Seth, the volume decreased. I might not understand how hypnotizing Seth was going to play into Hell’s greater plans, but so long as Roman believed it was necessary, Seth got to call the shots. Seth gave me a quick hand squeeze and a smile that was meant to be reassuring. He didn’t like immortal affairs but had accepted this crazy venture for me. Following Roman’s direction, Seth settled himself into the recliner and eased it back. Hugh pulled up a stool near Seth, but Roman and I sat on the periphery of the living room. Hypnosis required a minimum of distractions, which we clearly were. I’d even had to lock the cats up in my bedroom earlier, to make sure Aubrey and Godiva didn’t decide to jump on Seth’s lap mid-session. â€Å"Okay,†said Hugh, after clearing his throat. â€Å"Are you ready?†He took out a small notepad, filled with his illegible writing. It was the most low-tech thing I’d seen him use in a while. â€Å"Ready as I’ll ever be,†said Seth. Hugh glanced at Roman and me briefly, perhaps in case we had a last-minute change of heart, and then returned to the notepad. â€Å"Okay, close your eyes and take a deep breath. . . .†I was familiar with some of the basics of hypnosis, and the exercises that Hugh began with were pretty standard. You read "Succubus Revealed Chapter 13" in category "Essay examples" Although Seth had been joking, I too honestly wondered if he could be hypnotized. Part of his nature as a writer was to focus on all the details of the world, making it difficult to hone in on one thing sometimes. Of course, he could also show single-mindedness for his work, and that was the attribute that soon came out. After a few minutes of guided breathing, it became clear that Seth was definitely growing more and more relaxed. I almost thought he’d actually fallen asleep, until Hugh began asking him questions. Seth responded, eyes closed, voice perfectly steady. â€Å"I want you to go back,†said Hugh. â€Å"Back in your memories. Go past your thirties, into your twenties. From there, think about your college years. Then high school.†He allowed a pause. â€Å"Are you thinking about high school?†â€Å"Yes,†said Seth. â€Å"Okay. Go further back in time, back to middle school. Then elementary school. Can you remember a time before then? Before you started school?†There was a slight delay before Seth spoke. Then: â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"What is your earliest memory?†â€Å"In a boat, with my father and Terry. We’re on a lake.†â€Å"What are they doing?†â€Å"Fishing.†â€Å"What are you doing?†â€Å"Watching. Sometimes I get to help hold a pole. But mostly I just watch.†I felt a knot form in my stomach. I didn’t fully understand Roman’s strategy here, but there was something terribly personal and vulnerable about what we were doing, listening to these memories. Seth rarely spoke of his father, who had passed away when Seth was in his early teens, and it seemed wrong to â€Å"make†him do it in this state. â€Å"Go back even further. Can you remember anything before that? Any earlier memories?†asked Hugh. He seemed uneasy, a sharp contrast to Seth’s utter calmness. †No. â€Å" â€Å"Try,†said Hugh. â€Å"Try to go back further.†â€Å"I . . . I’m in a kitchen. The kitchen at our first house, in a high chair. My mom’s feeding me, and Terry’s walking through the door. He runs to her and hugs her. He’s been gone all day, and I don’t understand where he’s been.†School, if I had to guess. I tried to put an age on this memory, using what I knew of the age difference between the brothers. How long did kids stay in high chairs? And how young would he have to be to not understand the concept of school? Three? Two? â€Å"That’s great,†said Hugh. â€Å"That’s really great. Now keep going even more. Go back to something even earlier.†I frowned, thinking they were kind of pushing it now. I was no expert in human memory, but I thought I’d once read about how two was the age when memories really began forming. Seth seemed to struggle with this as well, frowning despite his otherwise calm exterior. â€Å"Okay,†he said. â€Å"I’ve got one.†â€Å"Where are you?†said Hugh. â€Å"I don’t know.†â€Å"What do you see?†â€Å"My mother’s face.†â€Å"Anything else?†â€Å"No. That’s all I remember of that.†â€Å"That’s okay,†said Hugh. â€Å"Now find something else before that. Any memory. Any image or sensation.†â€Å"There’s nothing,†said Seth. â€Å"Try,†said Hugh, not looking nearly as confident as he sounded. â€Å"It doesn’t matter how vague it is. Anything you can remember. Anything at all.†â€Å"I . . . there’s nothing,†said Seth, the frown deepening. â€Å"I can’t remember anything before that.†â€Å"Try,†repeated Hugh. â€Å"Go further back.†This was getting ridiculous. I opened my mouth to protest, but Roman caught hold of my arm, silencing me. I glared at him, hoping I could convey all my frustrations at what they were doing to Seth in one look. Roman simply shook his head and mouthed Wait. â€Å"I remember . . . I remember faces. Faces looking at me. Everyone’s so much bigger than me. But they’re mostly shadows and light. I can’t see . . . can’t comprehend much detail.†Seth paused. â€Å"That’s it. That’s all there is.†â€Å"You’re doing good,†said Hugh. â€Å"You’re doing great. Just listen to the sound of my voice, and keep breathing. We need to go back even earlier. What do you remember before that? Before the faces?†â€Å"Nothing,†said Seth. â€Å"There’s nothing there. Just blackness.†Roman shifted in his chair, going rigid. He leaned forward, eyes bright and excited. Hugh glanced over questioningly, and Roman gave an eager nod. Swallowing, Hugh turned back to Seth. â€Å"I need you . . . to go past the blackness. Go to the other side of it.†â€Å"I can’t,†said Seth. â€Å"It’s a wall. I can’t cross it.†â€Å"You can,†said Hugh. â€Å"Listen to my voice. I’m telling you, you can. Push back in your memories, past the memories of this life, to the other side of the blackness. You can do it.†â€Å"I . . . I can’t – †Seth cut himself off. For a moment, there was no other sound save the white noise on Roman’s iPod, though it was a wonder I couldn’t hear the pounding of my own heart. The frown that had been intensifying on Seth’s face abruptly smoothed out. â€Å"I’m there.†Hugh shifted awkwardly, disbelief registering on his face. â€Å"You are? What are you doing? Where are you?†â€Å"I . . .†The frown returned, but it was different in nature. It was distress from the memory itself, not the effort. â€Å"I’m bleeding. In an alley.†â€Å"Are you . . . are you Seth Mortensen?†Hugh’s voice was a whisper. †No. â€Å" â€Å"What’s your name?†â€Å"Luc.†The frown smoothed again. â€Å"And now I’m dead.†â€Å"Go back to the alley,†said Hugh, regaining his courage. â€Å"Before you . . . before, um, Luc died. How did it happen? Why were you bleeding?†â€Å"I was stabbed,†said Seth. â€Å"I was trying to defend a woman. A woman I loved. She said we couldn’t be together, but I know she didn’t mean it. Even if she didn’t, I still would’ve died for her. I had to protect her.†It was about that point that I stopped breathing. â€Å"Where are you?†Hugh reconsidered his question. â€Å"Do you know the year?†â€Å"It’s 1942. I live in Paris.†Roman reached across me to a stray catalog on a chair. Producing a pen, he scrawled something on the catalog’s cover and then handed it to Hugh. Hugh read it and then gently placed it on the floor. â€Å"Tell me about the woman,†he said to Seth. â€Å"What’s her name?†â€Å"Her name is Suzette.†Someone let out a strangled gasp. Me. I stood up then, and Roman jerked me back down. A million protests sprang to my lips, and he actually had the audacity to clamp a hand over my mouth. He shook his head sharply and hissed in my ear, â€Å"Listen.†Listen? Listen? He had no idea what he was asking. He had no idea what he was hearing. For that matter, I wasn’t sure either. All I knew was that there was no way this could be happening. Much like the night I’d gotten into bed with Ian, I had the surreal feeling that the only way any of this could be real was if I’d accidentally stumbled into someone else’s life. â€Å"Tell me about Suzette,†said Hugh. â€Å"She has blond hair and blue eyes,†said Seth levelly. â€Å"She moves like music, but none of the music I make can compare to her. She’s so beautiful . . . but so cruel. Not that I think she means to be. I think she believes she’s helping.†â€Å"Go back now,†said Hugh. â€Å"Back to your childhood, Seth – I mean, Luc. Go back to your earliest memories as Luc. Are you there?†â€Å"Yes,†said Seth. â€Å"What do you see?†â€Å"My mother’s funeral, though I don’t understand it. She was sick.†â€Å"Okay. I need you to go back again, younger and younger, back until you hit more blackness. Can you do that? Can you find it again?†Again, the rest of us held our breath, waiting for Seth to respond. â€Å"Yes,†he said. Hugh exhaled. â€Å"Go to the other side of that blackness, back before Luc. You can cross it. You did it before.†â€Å"Yes. I’m there.†â€Å"What is your name now?†â€Å"My name is Etienne. I live in Paris . . . but it’s a different Paris. An earlier Paris. There are no Germans here.†â€Å"What do you do for a living?†â€Å"I’m an artist. I paint.†â€Å"Is there a woman in your life? Girlfriend? Wife?†â€Å"There’s a woman, but she’s none of those. I pay to be with her. She’s a dancer named Josephine.†I began to feel ill. The world was spinning, and I lowered my head, willing everything to settle back to its rightful order. I didn’t need to hear Seth next describe Josephine. I could’ve done it down to the last curl. â€Å"Do you love her?†Hugh asked Seth. â€Å"Yes. But she doesn’t love me back.†â€Å"What happens to her?†â€Å"I don’t know. I ask her to marry me, but she says she won’t. That she can’t. She tells me to find someone else, but there is no one else. How can there be?†Hugh had no answer for that, but he had his rhythm now. He kept repeating the pattern, pushing Seth back further and further through impossible memories, always crossing that black wall, always asking Seth’s name and location, where he was, and if there was a woman who’d broken his heart. â€Å"My name is Robert. I live in Philadelphia, the first of my family born in the New World. We run a newspaper, and I love a woman who works for us. Her name is Abigail, and I think she loves me too . . . but she disappears one night without a word.†â€Å"My name is Niccol. I’m an artist in Florence. It’s 1497 . . . and there’s this woman . . . this amazing woman. Her name is Bianca, but . . . she betrays me.†â€Å"My name is Andrew. I’m a priest in southern England. There’s a woman named Cecily, but I can’t allow myself to love her, not even when the plague takes me. . . .†On and on it went, and with each step Hugh helped Seth take back, part of my heart broke. All of this was impossible. Seth couldn’t have lived all these lives and times he was describing – and not just because of the obvious problems of life and death as we knew them. Seth wasn’t just describing his lives. He was describing mine. I had lived every one of these lives that Seth described. I had been Suzette, Josephine, Abigail, Bianca, Cecily . . . They were all identities I’d assumed, people I’d become when Hell had transferred me to new places over the centuries. I would reinvent myself, take on a new name, appearance, and vocation. For every one of my identities Seth mentioned, I had lived a dozen more. But the ones he talked about . . . the ones he claimed to know as well, they were the ones that stuck out to me. Because although I’d had countless lovers, in countless places, there were a handful who had struck some part of my soul, a handful whom I had truly loved, despite the impossibility of our situations. And Seth was touching upon every one of them, checking them off like items on a grocery list. Only, he wasn’t just talking about these men I’d loved. He was talking about being them. Whereas I had created these lives, he was acting as though he’d been born into them, born as these lovers I’d had, only to die and be reborn again in some other place with me. . . . It was impossible. It was terrifying. And eventually, it stopped. â€Å"That’s it,†said Seth at last. â€Å"I can’t go back further.†â€Å"You know you can,†said Hugh. â€Å"You’ve done it before. Are you at the blackness again?†â€Å"Yes . . . but it’s different than before. It’s not like the others. It’s more solid. Harder to cross. Impossible to cross.†â€Å"Not impossible,†said Hugh. â€Å"You’ve already proven that. Cross back to the next life.†â€Å"I can’t.†The thing was, I was beginning to agree with Seth. I didn’t think there was anything else he could go back to, not if he was paralleling my lives. I’d jumped ahead of him at one point and made some educated guesses on what he would say, and I’d been right each time. I knew how many great loves I’d had as a succubus, and there were none left. Before Seth, there had been eight. â€Å"Push through,†urged Hugh. â€Å"I can’t,†said Seth. â€Å"They won’t let me. I’m not supposed to remember.†â€Å"Remember what?†â€Å"That life. The first life.†â€Å"Why not?†â€Å"It’s part of the bargain. My bargain. No, wait. Not mine. Hers, I think. I’m not supposed to remember her. But how can I not?†It was another of those rhetorical questions, and Hugh looked to Roman and me for help. The imp had been confident there for a while, once the lives began rolling off so easily, but this was something different. Seth wasn’t making a lot of sense, not that this had all been particularly crystal clear so far. Roman made gestures that seemed to be both encouraging and impatient, with a general notion that Hugh should improvise. â€Å"Who’s this bargain with?†asked Hugh. â€Å"I . . . I don’t know. They’re just there, waiting for me in the blackness. After the first life. I’m supposed to go on to the light, but I can’t. There’s something missing. I’m incomplete. My life has been incomplete . . . but I can’t remember why. . . .†Seth furrowed his brow, straining with the effort of remembering. â€Å"I just know I can’t move on. So they make a bargain.†â€Å"What’s the bargain?†â€Å"I can’t remember.†â€Å"Yes, you can,†said Hugh, surprisingly gentle. â€Å"You were just talking about it.†â€Å"I don’t remember the details.†â€Å"You said it was about you being incomplete. Something was missing.†â€Å"No . . . someone. My soul mate.†Seth’s breathing, which had been so steady throughout all of this, grew a little shaky. â€Å"I’m supposed to go on with her, into the light. I can feel it. I wasn’t supposed to live that life alone. I wasn’t supposed to go to the light afterward alone. But she’s not there. She’s not anywhere I can get to now. They say they’ll give me a chance to find her, a chance to find her and remember. They say I can have ten lives to be with her again but that one is used up. Then I have to go with them forever.†â€Å"This life that you can’t remember,†prompted Hugh. â€Å"You said it’s your first life, right? The one that’s on the other side of this, uh, extra thick wall of blackness? The life they say you’ve already used?†â€Å"Yes,†said Seth. â€Å"That’s the first. The one I’m supposed to forget.†â€Å"You can remember it,†said Hugh. â€Å"You’re already remembering parts of it, things you aren’t supposed to. Go to the other side of the blackness, before the bargain, before your death. What do you remember?†â€Å"Nothing.†â€Å"Do you remember a woman? Think about the bargain. The soul mate. Can you remember her?†Seth’s silence stretched into eternity. â€Å"I . . . yes. Kind of. I feel her absence, though I don’t understand it at the time.†â€Å"Have you made it back yet?†asked Hugh. â€Å"To the first life?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"What is your name?†â€Å"Kyriakos.†â€Å"Do you know where you are? Where you live?†â€Å"I live south of Pafos.†The name meant nothing to Hugh, but it meant everything to me. I began to slowly shake my head, and Roman gripped hold of my arm again. I’m not sure what he was afraid I’d do. It seemed to be an all-purpose attempt to keep me from interrupting the nightmare unfolding before me, either with word or movement. He needn’t have worried. The rest of me was frozen. â€Å"Do you know the year?†asked Hugh. â€Å"No,†said Seth. â€Å"What do you do?†Hugh asked. â€Å"What’s your job?†â€Å"I’m a musician. Unofficially. Mostly I work for my father. He’s a merchant.†â€Å"Is there a woman in your life?††No. â€Å" â€Å"You just said there was. Your soul mate.†Seth considered. â€Å"Yes . . . but she’s not there. She was, and then she wasn’t.†â€Å"If she was, then you must be able to remember her. What’s her name?†He shook his head. â€Å"I can’t. I’m not supposed to remember her.†â€Å"But you can. You’re already doing it. Tell me about her.†â€Å"I don’t remember,†said Seth, the faintest touch of frustration in his voice. â€Å"I can’t.†Hugh tried a new tactic. â€Å"How do you feel? How do you feel when you think of her?†â€Å"I feel . . . wonderful. Complete. Happier than I ever believed possible. And yet . . . at the same time, I feel despair. I feel horrible. I want to die.†â€Å"Why? Why do you feel both happiness and despair?†â€Å"I don’t know,†said Seth. â€Å"I don’t remember.†â€Å"You do. You can remember.†â€Å"Roman,†I breathed, finding my voice at last. â€Å"Make this stop.†He only shook his head, eyes riveted on Seth. Roman’s entire body was filled with tension and eagerness, anxiously straining forward for the last pieces of info to fill out the theory he’d put together. â€Å"She . . . I loved her. She was my world. But she betrayed me. She betrayed me and tore my heart out.†â€Å"Her name,†said Hugh, catching some of Roman’s excitement. â€Å"What was her name?†â€Å"I can’t remember,†said Seth, shifting uncomfortably. â€Å"It’s too terrible. They made me forget. I want to forget.†â€Å"But you didn’t,†said Roman, suddenly standing up. â€Å"You didn’t forget it. What is it? What is the woman’s name?†Seth’s eyes flew open, either because of his own inner turmoil or from Roman breaking the trance. Either way, the calm state of relaxation was gone. Raw emotions played over Seth’s features: shock, sorrow, hate. And as he gazed around and reoriented himself to his surroundings, his eyes – and all of those dark, terrible feelings – focused on me. â€Å"Letha,†he gasped. â€Å"Her name is Letha.†How to cite Succubus Revealed Chapter 13, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf Review
'Mrs. Dalloway' by Virginia Woolf Review Mrs. Dalloway is a complex and compelling modernist novel by Virginia Woolf. It is a wonderful study of its principal characters. The novel enters into the consciousness of the people it takes as it subjects, creating a powerful, psychologically authentic effect. Although quite rightly numbered amongst the most famed modernist writers - such as Proust, ​​Joyce, and ​Lawrence - Woolf is often considered to be a much gentler artist, lacking the darkness of the male contingent of the movement. With Mrs. Dalloway, though, Woolf created a visceral and unyielding vision of madness and a haunting descent into its depths. Overview Mrs. Dalloway follows a set of characters as they go about their lives on a normal day. The eponymous character, Clarissa Dalloway, does simple things: she buys some flowers, walks in a park, is visited by an old friend and throws a party. She speaks to a man who was once in love with her, and who still believes that she settled by marrying her politician husband. She talks to a female friend with whom she was once in love. Then, in the final pages of the book, she hears about a poor lost soul who threw himself from a doctors window onto a line of railings. Septimus This man is the second character central in Mrs. Dalloway. His name is Septimus Smith. Shell-shocked after his experiences in ​World War I, he is a so-called madman who hears voices. He was once in love with a fellow soldier named Evansa ghost who haunts him throughout the novel. His infirmity is rooted in his fear and his repression of this forbidden love. Finally, tired of a world that he believes is false and unreal, he commits suicide. The two characters whose experiences form the core of the novel - Clarissa and Septimus - share a number of similarities. In fact, Woolf saw Clarissa and Septimus as more like two different aspects of the same person, and the linkage between the two is emphasized by a series of stylistic repetitions and mirrorings. Unbeknownst to Clarissa and Septimus, their paths cross a number of times throughout the day - just as some of the situations in their lives followed similar paths.Clarissa and Septimus were in love with a person of their own sex, and both repressed their loves because of their social situations. Even as their lives mirror, parallel, and cross - Clarissa and Septimus take different paths in the final moments of the novel. Both are existentially insecure in the worlds they inhabit - one chooses life, while the other commits suicide. A Note on Style of Mrs. Dalloway Woolfs style - she is one of the most foremost proponents of what has become known as stream of consciousness - allows readers into the minds and hearts of her characters. She also incorporates a level of psychological realism that Victorian novels were never able to achieve. The every day is seen in a new light: internal processes are opened up in her prose, memories compete for attention, thoughts arise unprompted, and the deeply significant and the utterly trivial are treated with equal importance. Woolfs prose is also enormously poetic. She has a very special ability to make the ordinary ebb and flow of the mind sing.Mrs. Dalloway is linguistically inventive, but the novel also has an enormous amount to say about its characters. Woolf handles their situations with dignity and respect. As she studies Septimus and his deterioration into madness, we see a portrait that draws considerably from Woolfs own experiences. Woolfs stream of consciousness-style leads us to experience the m adness. We hear the competing voices of sanity and insanity. Woolfs vision of madness does not dismiss Septimus as a person with a biological defect. She treats the consciousness of the madman as something apart, valuable in itself, and something from which the wonderful tapestry of her novel could be woven.
Friday, March 20, 2020
A class trip to remember Essay Example
A class trip to remember Essay Example A class trip to remember Essay A class trip to remember Essay Lending nice exposure from our category trip would be the great challenge to finish an album, which is the photomontage and portion of package of our portfolio assignment. We planned beforehand the journey to Damai Puri Resort and came out with a list of interesting activities and equipment that we will hold to convey along. Out of outlook, it was merely the start of the catastrophe that we could neer conceive of. The category trip was merriment, memorable, and gratifying. The twenty-four hours of the trip began as usual but it was fun plenty for us. The cardinal issue of the trip was the transit to the location. We have deficient budget and could merely lease a mini new wave. Then, some of us had no pick and were forced to carpool in Bryan’s auto. We had a merriment siting trip with some card games and singing some swerving vocals in the auto. Then, Yasmin brought up a hot treatment subject and all of us had a truly fun clip debating over each other’s statement. Not long after that, the entryway of Damai Puri Resort is merely right in forepart of us. Once we arrived at the finish, we instantly settle down in the hotel room. The coach siting brought us an unforgettable memories and we had enjoyed the greatest minute, chew the fating, singing dad vocals and express joying together. I noticed that we were already bonded and literally grouped. We so took our first group exposure on the beach. By so, we were divided into groups to play around. Damai is so a merriment topographic point for out-of-door activities and the position is superb, one that we could neer bury. Nevertheless, the conditions was highly hot and was unsuitable for activities on the beach. So some of us have decided to soak into the pool and merely chilling around. Some other misss who were non interested to swim decided to hold their misss talk under the coconut trees. The scenes were memorable. After that, it was about flushing. We have decided to watch the sundown on the beac h, it was so beautiful. Likewise, we enjoyed the strong air current blows, the coconut torso up, I closed my eyes and listened to the loosen uping sound of sea moving ridges. It was such an gratifying minute. By six o’clock, all of us were exhausted. We were already hungering but it is still long to our barbecue dinner. Some of us insisted to take the early dinner at the cardinal nutrient tribunal. Those who struggled famishment went at that place for their early dinner while the commission were busy fixing the barbeque dark for the others. During the readying of the dinner, Celine, one of the commission, shouted. Apparently, she forgot to convey the necessary equipment and we could non lodge to our program without it. The misss were kicking and struggle arose. The commissions were faulting each other excessively. Meanwhile, another category were besides holding the barbeque dinner nearby. At that minute, the smartest cats in our category, Julius came out with an thought, which was to borrow the equipment from them after their dining. Fortunately, the thought worked truly good. Although the barbeque became our supper but we still bask of it. To sum up the trip experiences, I would utilize the words: memorable, unforgettable and merriment! However, our group leader was reasonably upset about the struggles. There are ever ups and downs in our life and I hope she is no longer sorrowing, I besides hope that we will hold another trip together and I will decidedly volunteer to be the leader to convey up the joy to everyone.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How to Find the Aries Constellation
How to Find the Aries Constellation The Aries constellation, one of the oldest-known star patterns, is located right next to the constellation Taurus. Discover how to find Aries and its fascinating deep-sky objects during your next sky-gazing session. Finding Aries Aries is most visible in the month of November. To find Aries, look for a crooked line of three bright stars not too far from the Pleiades star cluster. The stars of Aries lie along the zodiac, the path the Sun and planets appear to follow across the sky during the year. The stars of Aries, plus a galaxy challenge. Carolyn Collins Petersen History of Aries The name Aries is the Latin word for ram. In the constellation Aries, two stars make up the points of a rams horn. However, this constellation has had a wide range of different interpretations throughout history. The sky pattern was associated with a farmhand in ancient Babylon, a porpoise in the South Pacific, a pair of bureaucrats there in ancient China, and the god Amon-Ra in ancient Egypt. Aries and Meteor Showers Avid skywatchers know Aries from the meteor showers that bear its name and appear to radiate from the constellation at different times throughout the year, including: Delta Arietids (between December 8 and January 2)Autumn Arietids (between September 7 and October 27)Epsilon Arietids (between October 12 and 23)Daytime Arietids (between May 22 and July 2) All of these outbursts of meteors are associated with the material left behind by comets as they make their way around the Sun. Earths orbit intersects the comets paths, and as a result they appear to flow from the constellation Aries. The official IAU constellation chart for Aries. IAU/Sky Publishing The Stars of Aries The three brightest stars of Aries constellation are officially called alpha, beta, and gamma Arietis. Their nicknames are Hamal, Sharatan, and Mesarthim, respectively. Hamal is an orange giant star and lies about 66 light-years from Earth. Its about 91 times brighter than our Sun and is around 3.5 billion years old. Sharatan is a fairly young star, slightly more massive than the Sun and about a third brighter than our star. It lies nearly 60 light-years away from us. It also has a companion star that is much dimmer and orbits at a distance that still hasnt been determined. Mesarthim is also a binary star and lies about 165 light-years away from the Sun. There other, fainter stars in Aries, too. For example, 53 Arietis is a runaway star that was violently ejected from the Orion Nebula (at the heart of the constellation Orion) in its youth. Astronomers suspect that a nearby supernova explosion sent this star on its way across space. Aries also has a few stars that are orbited by extrasolar planets. Deep-sky Objects in Aries Aries contains several deep-sky objects that can be discovered through binoculars or a small telescope. The spiral galaxy NGC 772 in Aries. Adam Block/Mount Lemmon Skycenter/University of Arizona. CC-BY-SA 3.0 Perhaps the most interesting is the spiral galaxy NGC 772, which lies south of Mesarthim, and its companion galaxy, NGC 770. Astronomers refer to NGC 772 as a peculiar galaxy because it appears to have some structures not always seen in regular spiral galaxies. Its a star-forming galaxy and lies about 130 million light-years away. Its very likely that its interesting shape (with one very bright blue arm prominently displayed) is due to an interaction with its companion. A few other very distant and dim galaxies are scattered throughout Aries, including NGC 821 and Segue 2, which is actually a companion galaxy to the Milky Way.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Casey Anthony Murder Trial Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Casey Anthony Murder Trial - Coursework Example The report, as a result, seeks to highlight a brief description of the background, charges and the ultimate trial of Casey Anthony regarding the disappearance and the subsequent death of her daughter. It also seeks to analyze the digital forensic evidence relative to the prosecution’s case. Casey Anthony told the authorities that on the dusk of June 9, 2008, after departure from her work at the Universal Studios she went to her babysitter, Zenaida Fernandez’s, home to discover that both she and her child had disappeared. Casey Anthony informed investigators that she initiated a hunt of her own but then was unable to trace her daughter (Alvarez, 2011). Caylees corpse was found six months after being declared missing, near Casey’s residence. The first computer evidence that initiated the search for Caylee Anthony was pictures of Caylee and her grandfather at a gathering. The evidence gave the exact date at which the victim was last seen, contrary to the testimony given by Casey Anthony. Contradicting information in relation to the computer forensics and Casey Anthony’s statement was the 31 day period where detectives collected photographs and videos of Cay Lee, Casey’s night club partying, AIM Logger chat and Casey Anthony’s Cupid profile. According to Casey, Cay Lee was the frequent user of the internet and not herself. According to further examination of the family computer, the Encase timeline function indicates the MAC times for the database itself and not individual records. As a result, as the user accesses the internet, the index file does not update the time that it is operational. A vital discovery was an AIM Logger chat that did not concern Cay Lee, Massive activity on MySpace, that goes on the entire day from 0800hrs with just an hour of the lunchtime break. The activity resumes again at 1330hrs, but according to Casey’s father, Casey
Monday, February 3, 2020
Database Applications Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Database Applications - Research Paper Example Arnisted2 (2001) categorizes and differentiate these softwares as family software and business software depending upon contact information, medical records, hobbies, educational records, wish lists, diary, journal, etc. Groupware, also called as collaborative software, is an elementary component of a field of study known as Computer-Supported Cooperative Work or CSCW3. A few examples can be listed as Microsoft Exchange, MediaWiki, WetPaint, and ClassroomLive2.0 and so on. 2) What kinds of things do groupware users do with data? How does that data have to be treated? In general there are three functions of groupware, enabling human to converse, transact and collaborate the ‘information and knowledge’ (also termed as data), about self and others. Groupware users use data into several ways and for several purposes including sharing, analyzing, creating, discussing, debating, planning, summarizing, concluding, etc. Since data is a unique significant aspect for human individu al/group identity, this must be used and shared with utmost care. This can be used for semantic purposes, and, sometimes, can be misused too. Ample privacy and security of the data should be of prime concern while treating with this data. 3) Who pays the costs of groupware deployment? Who receives the benefits? Groupware can be freeware or shareware or authoring.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Reviewing The Problems In Gang Culture Criminology Essay
Reviewing The Problems In Gang Culture Criminology Essay It is the intention of the following literature review to focus upon the gang and focus in detail on youth gang culture and look in detail the media coverage in relation to knife crime, the public perception of the gang. To discuss why young people become involved in gangs and to discover during this literature review if poverty, race and ethnicity have a radical impact on who joins a change plus who is a victim of a gang. In order to discuss the subjects noted above this review will also look in detail into previous research relating to gangs with a particular emphasis on youth crime. It is also critical to highlight that it is important to discuss key social theories which could be utilised to explain some of the above. In recent years the media, government, police have used the term gang to generally refer to crimes which have been committed by groups of young people. Often crimes such as knife crime have been used by the mass media to portray gangs in a particular way. Often crimes such as knife crime have been used by the mass media to portray gangs in a particular way and also to draw public attention to this social issue. According to the Home Office There has been increasing public concern in recent years about gun and knife crime. While disturbing, the number of such crimes is relatively low and in a general population sample survey such as the BCS the number of victims is too small. Alexandar (2008) More than 70 youngsters died at the hands of gangs in Britain in 2008. In London, 26 were stabbed to death. There are more than 170 gangs, with members as young as ten have been identified by police in London. Many teenagers now routinely carry a knife out of fear, in order to defend themselves if attacked. The penalty for straying into the wrong area is to be robbed, beaten or stabbed. It is difficult to define specifically what a gang is due to the nature of these particular social groups. Gangs in the UK are currently seen as a collection of more than two people for example and often these gangs have a specific purpose. In recent years a collection of youths walking around the streets have become labelled as gangs in the media. Steven Sachs (1978) makes the following definition, a youth gang is commonly thought as a self-formed association of peers having the following characteristics: a gang name and recognizable symbols, identifiable leadership, a geographic territory, a regular meeting pattern, and collective actions to carry out illegal activities, it is a structured, cohesive group of individuals, usually between the ages of eleven and twenty-five, gang members can be male or female, but they are most often male. (Sachs, 1997) According to Cohen (1955) Youth gangs participate in all kinds of activities such as extortion and intimidation, robbery, vandalism, assault, drug trafficking, stabbings, shootings, and sometimes even murder. The following sections of this literature review will focus in detail at specific research which has been carried out previously relating to youth gangs and knife culture. Study 1 The first study was created in 2008 by Scottish centre for crime and justice research , they were awarded a research grant of  £155,000 by the Scottish government to undertake ethnographic research exploring the nature of youth gang involvement, and the nature of knife carrying by young people in Scotland, and the roles that such activities may play in young peoples everyday lives. The research took place in five locations across Scotland and involved a multi-method approach, combining sets of interviews with young people, police, community and youth workers and other local area experts. Two draft reports were submitted to the Scottish Government in spring 2010: the first providing a qualitative account of young peoples involvement in youth gangs and the second drawing on an analysis of quantitative data from several sweeps of the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions of Crime (ESYTC). A core finding of this report is that gang members (inclusive of those who carry /use knives an d other weapons) are drawn from areas of multiple deprivations. The evidence presented in this report suggests that youth gang members are likely to be highly visible as problematic individuals, in terms of their tendency to hang about the streets and their frequent alcohol consumption. Study 2 Youth Gangs in an English City: Social Exclusion, Drugs and Violence The research Youth Gangs: The factors behind the headlines have been made by Judith Aldridge of the University of Manchester. The research provides an ethnographic account of contemporary youth gangs in an English city. The study involved 26 months of participant observation in Research City; 107 interviews with gang members and their associates, and with key informants; and nine group interviews with non-gang youth, community representatives and parents. Findings showed a long history of territorial street gangs in Research City. From the 1980s, attention focused on drug-selling gangs engaging in lethal gun violence in marginalised black areas. This framed the way the issue of gangs was officially constructed across Research City; other white areas of the city where gangs presented a lower profile and level of gun violence received less attention. A combination of factors changed the nature of these gangs, in particular from their drug-selling focus. The findings from this r esearch shows that Gangs today in Research City are ethnically mixed, loose, dynamic, interlinked territorial networks with far less organisation than expected and ephemeral, shifting and unstable leadership. Findings are presented in relation to: gang formation and the life course, violence, earnings, drug use, the role of women and girls, ethnicity, community, and statutory responses. Findings from the research have important implications for policy development, theoretical understanding of youth gangs in the UK, and methodological know-how. The researches shows that one of many reasons why young people get in to gangs is peer pressure and wanting to look bad and also young people are searching for some kind of family unit.Youth crime is simultaneously a social problem and an intrinsic part of consumer culture: while images of gangs and gangsters are used to sell global commodities, young people not in work and education are labelled as antisocial and susceptible to crime. There was a general consensus that the issue of violent weapon crime by groups of young people is not a new phenomenon, and is in part fuelled by media. Group crime involving weapons transcends ethnicity and occurs across all races, with neighbourhood poverty and deprivatation at the root.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Road to Mecca
The Road to Mecca examines the bio-psycho-social systems and issues that are part of the aging process. There are many issues introduced that are useful in understanding the social workers role in evaluating and developing a plan of care for young adults through late adulthood development. Since the passing of her husband, Helen has devoted her time to creating and transforming her home into her own â€Å"Mecca†of beauty and freedom. The dozens of sculptures of wise men, mermaids and other figures inside and outside of her home has secluded Helen from her neighbors who are very rigid white Calvinists.Her neighbors are trying to get rid of Helen by encouraging her to move into a local old folk’s home because of her eccentric work of art surrounding her home and because they fear for Helen’s safety living alone, now that she is in late adulthood and recently almost burnt her house down. Elsa is a young career minded woman who has befriended Helen and the only pers on that respects and accepts Helen’s work and interest. Throughout this play there are many psychoanalytic themes such as love, abandonment, dependency and loss to name a few.Both Helen and Elsa appeared to have grown up with a sense of abandonment and lack of trust from their families and others. Before the death of Helen’s husband, she lived as a conventional member of society. After becoming a widow, she began expressing herself in an artistic way and displaying her creativity throughout her house. Now that she is in late adulthood and becoming gradually unable to manage on her own as she use to, her sense of creativity seems at an end and she finds herself faced with a sense of darkness and hopelessness that at times overwhelms her.Helen discusses that when she was a child her mother would take away her candle at night; to be in pure darkness as a child was frightening for her and when her mother took away the candle, she took away Helen’s only source of com fort. That fear of darkness transformed into a feeling of abandonment for Helen which has caused her to search for intimacy and trust in her life that she fears she will not find before she dies. Helen’s darkness that she once saw on the outside when the candles were blown out is now darkness she feels on the inside; candles can no longer help this kind of darkness.This darkness symbolizes Helen’s depression. She is frightened that old age is over taking her and affecting her ability to continue creating her Mecca, take care of herself and find the true intimacy in her life that she needs. When Helen meets Elsa and their friendship blossoms, she becomes Helen’s only source of light. The day Helen met Elsa is the day she felt like her true self. Elsa didn’t judge Helen because of her statues and mermaids, she accepted her and after this, Helen felt she could trust Elsa. Elsa revived Helen’s life by accepting her true self.Elsa has extreme trust issu es which are exposed throughout this play. All trust is lost and feelings of abandonment resurface after Elsa’s married boyfriend leaves her and chooses his wife and child. Shame and guilt arise when Elsa has an abortion and when her plan to live happily ever after with a married man goes sour. The relationship with the married man opened her up to life and love, she felt like a woman for the first time. Her heart was wide open to someone that ended up betraying her. Now she feels as though she can’t trust at all and will think twice before she trusts again.Elsa feels you can love someone without trusting them, she is stuck in a mind set of all you need is love. This situation brings up feelings from the past for Elsa. It’s apparent that Elsa never learned trust as a child and trusting another is what she fears most. â€Å"Trust is more dangerous because that’s when you drop your defenses, lay yourself wide open, and if you’ve made a mistake, youà ¢â‚¬â„¢re in big, big trouble. And it hurts like hell. †Helen and Elsa’s fear of abandonment, trust and feelings of possible rejection also emerge when they both hide secrets from each other.Helen lies to Elsa about her suicidal attempt when the house almost burnt down and Elsa hesitates to tell Helen about the abortion and the married boyfriend. The two women have found love in each other and trust; they have had too much rejection in the past and fear their friendship will end badly if their secrets are revealed. Both women are very desperate to see if their friendship will survive their struggles. When Helen explains to Elsa about Marius and the rest of the community encouraging her to move into an old people’s home, Elsa becomes furious with Helen for not standing up for herself.Elsa becomes so angry about this issue, she needs Helen to stand up for herself and fight because Helen is the only one that lives her life the way she wants. If Helen goes into the old people’s home, Elsa will feel a sense of abandonment. Helen serves as a source of inspiration for her and her reaction to Helen’s inability to cope is tied to her need for Helen to remain a strong role model. There are many instances where both women provide a mirroring experience for each other in their lives. Elsa understands Helen’s life of expressing herself through her statues and she allows Helen to see how special she is.Elsa represents the good enough mother for Helen. She provides a holding environment for her. Especially after Elsa receives Helen’s letter of despair and comes to her side for support. Helen is able to challenge Elsa, to be herself and nobody has ever done that. This is what a mother would provide for her child. Both have a fear that if one is in darkness how will the other survive. Helen and Elsa need each other to take away their darkness inside. Miss Helen and Elsa develop a twinship with one another.Both allow themselves t o be vulnerable with each other, Miss Helen even states she allows the little girl inside of her come out to play when she is around Elsa. They both provide a sense of belonging and acceptance for each other. A mother holds the key to her child’s development. Helen and Elsa are on a journey of self discovery and both are at two different developmental stages in their lives. They are both stuck in two areas of the life cycle, trust and abandonment. The mirroring experience Miss Helen and Elsa have, allows a social worker to assess that both women are searching for the mother they never had.These two women were each other’s therapist. A therapist in many cases acts as the â€Å"mother†or â€Å"caretaker†for their clients. Therapists provide a safe holding place for their clients to be able to fall apart in. Therapists also mirror back strengths and uniqueness of a client that typically a good enough mother would provide. With support for each other Miss H elen and Elsa were able to move on with life. At the end of the play, Elsa helps Helen gain confidence when she stands up to Marius about not moving into the retirement home.Helen was able to explain to Marius that her home is the only place where she feels real. After Helen is able to stand her ground against Marius and the rest of the town, Helen and Elsa’s bond deepens. Elsa is able to admit that her choice of abortion has caused some depression. Helen is able to understand the pain that Elsa feels just like Elsa is able to understand Helen’s unconventional art work. The understanding that Helen has for Elsa’s troubles helps Elsa recognize the special role that Helen plays in her life.In the first act of the play when Elsa was very mean and disrespectful to Helen, she was displacing her anger and grief about her married ex-boyfriend and aborted child onto Helen. Elsa is even able to trust again by the end of the play, which is evident in the closing line, â⠂¬Å"Open your arms and catch me, I’m going to jump. †At the end of Act two, Helen is also able to move on with her life by allowing her candles to be blown out which symbolizes she is accepting her development in late adulthood and the completion of her Mecca.The childhood background of a person plays a major part in their adulthood life. When one has a healthy family typically the experience of abandonment and trust issues do not occur. Elsa felt trapped in her early adulthood; she had a job as a teacher in a â€Å"colored†school and ultimately had to conceal her true self to keep her job. Her heart was broken by the man she loved and opened her heart to and she experienced guilt and shame for terminating her pregnancy. Helen was also feeling trapped in her life.Creating her Mecca allowed her to create her own freedom and show her true self instead of complying with Cape Town’s religious ways of living. Both women were able to find a way out of their tr apped lives by finding trust and true intimacy with each other. This play shows the development of a great friendship and how having true intimacy in your life means showing all your faults and rawness without rejection. Helen and Elsa’s characters show that you can continue to grow until the end of life.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Is a Scientific Variable (The Scientific Method)
A variable is any factor that can be changed or controlled. In math, a variable is a quantity that can assume any value from a set of values. A scientific variable is a little more complicated, plus there are different types of scientific variables. Scientific variables are associated with the scientific method. Variables are things which are controlled and measured as part of a scientific experiment. There are three main types of variables: Controlled Variables As the name implies, controlled variables are factors which are controlled or held constant throughout an investigation. The are kept unchanging so that they wont influence the outcome of the experiment by changing. However, they do have an impact on the experiment. For example, if you are measuring whether plants grow better when watered with milk or water, one of the controlled variables might be the amount of light that is given to the plants. Even through the value may be held constant throughout the experiment, it is important to note the condition of this variable. You would expect the growth of the plant might be different in sunlight as compared with darkness, right? Tracking controlled variables makes it easier to replicate an experiment. Sometimes the effect of a variable comes as a surprise, leading to a new experiment. Independent Variable The independent variable is the one factor that you purposely change in an experiment. For example, in an experiment looking at whether plant growth is affected by watering with water or milk the independent variable is the substance used to water the plants. Many experiments are based on an if-then scenario, where the researcher measures what happens if a variable is changed. The if part of the experiment is the independent variable. Dependent Variable The dependent variable is the variable that you are measuring in order to determine whether or not it is affected by a change in the independent variable. In the plant experiment, the growth of the plant is the dependent variable. In an if-then experiment, the response to a change refers to the dependent variable. Its value depends on the status of the independent variable. Plotting a Graph of Variables When you plot a graph of your data, the x-axis is the independent variable and the y-axis is the dependent variable. In our example, the height of the plant would be recorded on the y-axis while the substance used to water the plants would be recorded on the x-axis. In this case, a bar graph would be an appropriate way to present the data. More About Scientific Variables What Is an Independent Variable?What Is a Dependent Variable?What Is an Experimental Group?What Is a Control Group?What Is an Experiment?
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Biomass Energy Renewable Resources - 754 Words
Renewable Energy Biomass is the energy we get from plants and animals that have died. It is organic material made from microorganisms containing stored energy from a process called photosynthesis. When photosynthesis occurs, plants take in sunlight with carbon dioxide and water, and then release glucose, which the plant uses for food and oxygen, which is the air that we breathe. Then sooner of later the plant will either die or get eaten. When it is eaten, the energy from the plant is passed from the plant to the animal or people eating them. When they die, the energy is either released into the air or it is used as fuel for burning or cooking. There are five types of biomass, wood, crops, garbage, landfill gases, and alcohol fuels. All of these are renewable because more trees and crops can be grown and there will always be trash and waste. We release energy from these all the time and most people dont even realize it, but when you burn these, energy is released. Biomass energy is released in the f orm of heat. If you ever go camping and have a campfire, you are burning biomass fuels and the heat from the fire is energy. You can use the heat from the fire to boil water and create steam to create electricity. You can also use it to heat homes or other places. You can also convert biomass to other forms of energy such as natural gas. You probably didnt know that rotting garbage, human waste, and crops are one of the key ingredients of natural gas. Methane gas is alsoShow MoreRelatedBiomass As A Renewable Energy Resource907 Words  | 4 Pages3 Biomass as a renewable energy resource Biomass can be considered as a renewable energy resource, although burning biomass releases carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere similar to burning fossil fuel (Liu H. 2011). There is a significant difference in CO2 release between burning a fossil fuel and burning biomass. 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