Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Information about Financial Aid - 1063 Words
Financial Aid Financial aid is money in the form of loans, grants and employment that is available to a student to help pay the cost of attending. Financial aid comes from the federal government, which is the largest provider of aid, as well as state government, the school and a variety of other public and private sources. If you think your educational expenses are more than you and your family can afford, you should apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You will need to apply for financial aid every year by completing a FAFSA. The FAFSA includes all the information necessary to determine your eligibility and must be completed if you want to be considered for any of the federal programs†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) - This grant is available only to undergraduates having the greatest financial need. Awarded on a first-come first-served basis by the Office of Financial Aid until all federally allocated funds are awarded. †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG) - OTAG is available to Oklahoma residents. Awards are made by the Oklahoma State Regents based on the information provided on the FAFSA. Recipients will receive an award notification from the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program. Early application, prior to April 15th is requested. For more information, please call the OTAG program directly at 405-234-4356. LOANS - borrowed money that has to be paid back over a period of time, after the student ceases to be less than a halftime student. Loans offered at: †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Subsidized Stafford Loan - (Formerly Guaranteed Student Loan) Federal Stafford Loan funds are borrowed from a lending institution (e.g., a bank or credit union). Eligibility for this low interest loan is based on financial need. Students must be enrolled at least halftime to receive a loan. The borrower should check with the organization that holds the loan for the interest rate. Repayment begins six months after enrollment drops below half time. The federal government pays the interest on this subsidized loan while the student is in school or in deferment.Show MoreRelatedOverview (Salinas):. Kean University Is A Public University1694 Words  | 7 PagesOffice of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid is devoted to offering different services and information to students attending Kean. Located on first floor of the Administration Building, The Office of Financial Aid is open Monday through Saturday and offers phone hours Monday through Friday. S tudents can schedule an appointment, where they will have a chance to sit and speak with a financial counselor. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Otranto Free Essays
Amy Reid English 5720: Franta 09/27/12 The Contradiction in Women’s Roles in Castle of Otranto While each character in Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto seem to have their own dispositions that fuel the story, these dispositions also create a pattern intrinsic to gender. The males of the story are powerful and oppressive to their female counterparts. In contrast, the women remain devoted and submissive. We will write a custom essay sample on Otranto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although it may seem that Walpole is trying to degrade women by use of male domination, he is actually focusing on the importance of the female role in the derivation of male power. Manfred, the prince of Otranto is at a loss as his only son Conrad dies and there is no longer anyone to pass the royal blood to another generation. After this event takes place Manfred exemplifies his character as being engrossed with power. In an attempt to produce another heir to the thrown he is determined to divorce his wife and marry Isabella. â€Å"Hippolita is no longer my wife; I divorce her from this hour. Too long has she cursed me by her unfruitfulness: my fate depends on having sons,-and this night I trust will give a new date to my hopes (25). While Manfred’s wife has been nothing but devoted to her husband and is filled with sorrow after she hears of his plans, he remains to lack sympathy or concerns for his wife’s desires. Isabella is also at left in a position without a voice of her own; she must marry Manfred. Against Manfred’s insistence that Isabella marry him, she flees to avoid marrying such a terrible man. While fleeing Manfred Isabella be gins to discover how she can use her femininity in her own power. Her gentleness had never raised her an enemy, and conscious innocence made her hope that, unless sent by the prince’s order to seek her, his servants would rather assist than prevent her flight (28). †In many instances, characteristics of femininity are viewed as weaknesses to the female characters in the novel. In this instance, Isabella’s characteristics that are associated with her identity as a female are used in an opposing way. To be gentle and innocent may be deemed as weaknesses but in this circumstance she is able to use these traits advantageously to escape and overthrow the prince’s nonconsensual plans of marriage. Without the presence of Isabella the price is powerless, as he cannot produce an heir without her presence. Walpole enforces the idea that men receive their power from women and without the presence of women they are powerless. Again this idea is present when focused on the relationship between Matilda and her father Manfred. The father daughter relationship which they share is one in which Matilda is oppressed and is at a lack of affection. Manfred even displays directly to Matilda his dissatisfaction with her being his daughter and not his son. When Matilda arrives at his door to comfort him and aid in his grievances at the loss of his son, he exclaims, â€Å"Begone, I do not want a daughter (23). †He continues to deny Matilda any affection or acknowledgement and eventually ends up murdering her mistakenly thinking she is Isabella. Meanwhile, it is discovered that the Theodore is the true prince and the one to produce an heir. If Matilda would have married Theodore it is more than likely that they would have conceived a child that would now be the heir. While Manfred never acknowledged Matilda until the time of her death, he now acknowledges that the prophecy is proven true; the lordship will not be passed from his present family but instead to its real owner. In the end Matilda was Manfred’s last hope in passing on the lordship. Matilda’s death marks Manfred’s complete fall from power, as the passing of the lordship to the next generation is now impossible. How to cite Otranto, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Discussion about Impact of HIPAA and HITECH Regulations
Question: Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on healthcare organizations on both state and federal levels. Discuss how HIPAA and HITECH regulations will impact healthcare systems that maintain patient data. Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on software and hardware vendor. Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on organizational standards and infrastructure. Answer: HIPAA is the name of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was passed in 1996. The major goal of this act is to ease the upkeeping of the insurance policies, maintain their confidentiality and simultaneously keep the health information safe for the people. It also aims in helping the health care setups and organizations to control the administrative costs. HIPAA sets forth many regulations that pertain to the type of uses and the events of disclosure of the personal identification of the individuals health information (also termed as protected health information). HIPAA works in a highly efficient manner to ensure that the disclosure of personal information is done only to allow high quality health care (CHRPHI, 2009). According to National Counsil of State Legislatures (NCSL), on March 23, 2010, President Obama had signed the Affordable Care Act, according to which there would be interoperable and safe standards as well as protocols to allow electronic admission of the individuals in the federal and state human and health service programs (NCSL, 2012). HITECH (The Health information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) is an act that aims to set new goals for expanding the role of states in stimulating the exchange of health related information and adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The goal of this act was to increase the number of health care providers by 2014 through financial incentives, training, education and actions led by the state. This act was passed in February, 2009, as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This has marked the influence and made HIE (Health Information Exchange) as the priority. HITECH has set standards by supplying substantial resources of planning, use and deployment and even has certified the HER functions (State alliance for E-heath, 2009). HITECH provides both opportunities as well as the challenges to health care providers. The implementation of EHR provides a more efficient, responsive and cost effective care system. But this is accompanied by the fear of loss of privacy and risk to security. It has provided health care organizations the authority to utilize the programs that can be used to improve the quality of health care, its safety and efficiency. One such software is Oracle, which is robust in identity management and data security solutions. It enables the organization to implement first order HIPAA/HITECH compliance programs in the division of health care emerging electronic age (Oracle white paper, 2011). The current reforms that have been introduced in HIPAA/HITECH system stress on the definition of manifestation or manifested. These reforms are expected to improve the quality of healthcare as the concept of extracting family medical history, genetic information 9with respect to the patient and the disease f rom which he is suffering), is very efficient in providing the right course of treatment (HIPAA.com, 2015). HITECH provides facilities fro the patient health information by calling for the healthcare organization, the business associates and the providers of the service to disclose if there have been any breaches (including a detailed description of the incident, time, place, how it was discovered) and other investigatory details (Capus safety, 2010). The HITECH act is now applicable and affects the business associates directly. Conventional trend was to impose the security and privacy requirements through contractual agreements with the covered entities but under the HITECH Act, the business associates are required to abide by the rules mentioned in the HIPAA Security Rule (SR). The Act allows most of the software vendors who provide HER systems, to qualify as business associates. Since the vendors will be required to comply by the rules, more vendor/provider dialog will occur with regards to the necessary Business Associate Agreements or the contracts. As a result, the vendors will insist on it themselves (HITECH Act summary, 2012). The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) regulations apply both to the paper as well as electronic records. Any breach in the notification may arise the case of penalties. There are provisions for criminal penalties for business associates as well. While HIPAA addresses mostly the health information security and the issues related to the privacy, HITECH act extends its scope by covering the non HIPAA covered entities also. Therefore, HITECH acts adds a muscle to HIPAA act and the strongest impact it has had is to encourage the healthcare force, the vendors, and the care givers to implement stronger and more secure means to protect patients data and avoid milti million dollar fines that are levied for any kind of non compliance (Campus safety, 2010). References Campus Safety. (2010). How HITECH Act may affect your healthcare facility. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/article/How-the-HITECH-Act-May-Affect-Your-Healthcare-Facility.Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information (CHRPHI): The HIPAA Privacy Rule, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Health Care Services. (2009). Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule:: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research. Natioal Academic Press.HIPAA.com. (2015). HIPAA Final Rule: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act: Manifestation or Manifested. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.hipaa.com/hipaa-final-rule-genetic-information-nondiscrimination-act-manifestation-or-manifested/.HITECH Act summary. (2012). The HITECH Act. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.hipaasurvivalguide.com/hitech-act-summary.php.National Conference of State Legislatures. (2012). HIPAA: Impacts and actions by states. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/hipaa-a-state-related-overview.aspx.Oracle White paper. (2011). HITECHs challenge to the health care industry. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/security/owp-security-hipaa-hitech-522515.pdf.State alliance for E-heath. (2009). Preparing to implement HITECH. National governors Association.
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