Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Information about Financial Aid - 1063 Words
Financial Aid Financial aid is money in the form of loans, grants and employment that is available to a student to help pay the cost of attending. Financial aid comes from the federal government, which is the largest provider of aid, as well as state government, the school and a variety of other public and private sources. If you think your educational expenses are more than you and your family can afford, you should apply for financial aid using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You will need to apply for financial aid every year by completing a FAFSA. The FAFSA includes all the information necessary to determine your eligibility and must be completed if you want to be considered for any of the federal programs†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) - This grant is available only to undergraduates having the greatest financial need. Awarded on a first-come first-served basis by the Office of Financial Aid until all federally allocated funds are awarded. †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (OTAG) - OTAG is available to Oklahoma residents. Awards are made by the Oklahoma State Regents based on the information provided on the FAFSA. Recipients will receive an award notification from the Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant Program. Early application, prior to April 15th is requested. For more information, please call the OTAG program directly at 405-234-4356. LOANS - borrowed money that has to be paid back over a period of time, after the student ceases to be less than a halftime student. Loans offered at: †¢nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Subsidized Stafford Loan - (Formerly Guaranteed Student Loan) Federal Stafford Loan funds are borrowed from a lending institution (e.g., a bank or credit union). Eligibility for this low interest loan is based on financial need. Students must be enrolled at least halftime to receive a loan. The borrower should check with the organization that holds the loan for the interest rate. Repayment begins six months after enrollment drops below half time. The federal government pays the interest on this subsidized loan while the student is in school or in deferment.Show MoreRelatedOverview (Salinas):. Kean University Is A Public University1694 Words  | 7 PagesOffice of Financial Aid. The Office of Financial Aid is devoted to offering different services and information to students attending Kean. Located on first floor of the Administration Building, The Office of Financial Aid is open Monday through Saturday and offers phone hours Monday through Friday. S tudents can schedule an appointment, where they will have a chance to sit and speak with a financial counselor. 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Ultimately, we find that academic undermatching is a complex issue that needs a definitiveRead MoreAvoiding Using Student Loan932 Words  | 4 Pagesthe problem is not solely about going to either a cheaper or expensive college, it is about building an effective financial plan towards whatever kind of college you choose. Financial aid is available for this course, but accepting student loans should be generally avoided. I believe college students need to be aware of the abundant means available to pay for college aside utilizing student loan; college students should regard accepting student loan as a last financial resort. Many people would acceptRead MoreCredit Union Case Study748 Words  | 3 Pagessecurity is paramount in notifying the membership of current trending phishing and other cyber-attacks to help protect the members as well as our financial stature. These three messages that the potential member will spend less, save more, and be secure are the prominent messages found throughout the credit union’s outreaches. (About PSECU, n.d.) As financial organizations are beginning to offer similar offerings, PSECU can edge out banks and many credit unions through its reduced rates and fees dueRead MoreShould College Be Necessary For A Decent Job?968 Words  | 4 Pagesactually need by misinforming and neglecting important information the students and their families. (Asher) According to â€Å"Student Debt State Policies leave Families with Few Good Options,†students are commonly pressured into requesting student loans that they do not actually need by corporations in the way of leaving families with few other options for financing college tuition except by obtaining scholarships, grants, and other financial aid which they convince students is very difficult to receive
Monday, December 16, 2019
Otranto Free Essays
Amy Reid English 5720: Franta 09/27/12 The Contradiction in Women’s Roles in Castle of Otranto While each character in Horace Walpole’s Castle of Otranto seem to have their own dispositions that fuel the story, these dispositions also create a pattern intrinsic to gender. The males of the story are powerful and oppressive to their female counterparts. In contrast, the women remain devoted and submissive. We will write a custom essay sample on Otranto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although it may seem that Walpole is trying to degrade women by use of male domination, he is actually focusing on the importance of the female role in the derivation of male power. Manfred, the prince of Otranto is at a loss as his only son Conrad dies and there is no longer anyone to pass the royal blood to another generation. After this event takes place Manfred exemplifies his character as being engrossed with power. In an attempt to produce another heir to the thrown he is determined to divorce his wife and marry Isabella. â€Å"Hippolita is no longer my wife; I divorce her from this hour. Too long has she cursed me by her unfruitfulness: my fate depends on having sons,-and this night I trust will give a new date to my hopes (25). While Manfred’s wife has been nothing but devoted to her husband and is filled with sorrow after she hears of his plans, he remains to lack sympathy or concerns for his wife’s desires. Isabella is also at left in a position without a voice of her own; she must marry Manfred. Against Manfred’s insistence that Isabella marry him, she flees to avoid marrying such a terrible man. While fleeing Manfred Isabella be gins to discover how she can use her femininity in her own power. Her gentleness had never raised her an enemy, and conscious innocence made her hope that, unless sent by the prince’s order to seek her, his servants would rather assist than prevent her flight (28). †In many instances, characteristics of femininity are viewed as weaknesses to the female characters in the novel. In this instance, Isabella’s characteristics that are associated with her identity as a female are used in an opposing way. To be gentle and innocent may be deemed as weaknesses but in this circumstance she is able to use these traits advantageously to escape and overthrow the prince’s nonconsensual plans of marriage. Without the presence of Isabella the price is powerless, as he cannot produce an heir without her presence. Walpole enforces the idea that men receive their power from women and without the presence of women they are powerless. Again this idea is present when focused on the relationship between Matilda and her father Manfred. The father daughter relationship which they share is one in which Matilda is oppressed and is at a lack of affection. Manfred even displays directly to Matilda his dissatisfaction with her being his daughter and not his son. When Matilda arrives at his door to comfort him and aid in his grievances at the loss of his son, he exclaims, â€Å"Begone, I do not want a daughter (23). †He continues to deny Matilda any affection or acknowledgement and eventually ends up murdering her mistakenly thinking she is Isabella. Meanwhile, it is discovered that the Theodore is the true prince and the one to produce an heir. If Matilda would have married Theodore it is more than likely that they would have conceived a child that would now be the heir. While Manfred never acknowledged Matilda until the time of her death, he now acknowledges that the prophecy is proven true; the lordship will not be passed from his present family but instead to its real owner. In the end Matilda was Manfred’s last hope in passing on the lordship. Matilda’s death marks Manfred’s complete fall from power, as the passing of the lordship to the next generation is now impossible. How to cite Otranto, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Discussion about Impact of HIPAA and HITECH Regulations
Question: Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on healthcare organizations on both state and federal levels. Discuss how HIPAA and HITECH regulations will impact healthcare systems that maintain patient data. Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on software and hardware vendor. Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH regulations on organizational standards and infrastructure. Answer: HIPAA is the name of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was passed in 1996. The major goal of this act is to ease the upkeeping of the insurance policies, maintain their confidentiality and simultaneously keep the health information safe for the people. It also aims in helping the health care setups and organizations to control the administrative costs. HIPAA sets forth many regulations that pertain to the type of uses and the events of disclosure of the personal identification of the individuals health information (also termed as protected health information). HIPAA works in a highly efficient manner to ensure that the disclosure of personal information is done only to allow high quality health care (CHRPHI, 2009). According to National Counsil of State Legislatures (NCSL), on March 23, 2010, President Obama had signed the Affordable Care Act, according to which there would be interoperable and safe standards as well as protocols to allow electronic admission of the individuals in the federal and state human and health service programs (NCSL, 2012). HITECH (The Health information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) is an act that aims to set new goals for expanding the role of states in stimulating the exchange of health related information and adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The goal of this act was to increase the number of health care providers by 2014 through financial incentives, training, education and actions led by the state. This act was passed in February, 2009, as a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This has marked the influence and made HIE (Health Information Exchange) as the priority. HITECH has set standards by supplying substantial resources of planning, use and deployment and even has certified the HER functions (State alliance for E-heath, 2009). HITECH provides both opportunities as well as the challenges to health care providers. The implementation of EHR provides a more efficient, responsive and cost effective care system. But this is accompanied by the fear of loss of privacy and risk to security. It has provided health care organizations the authority to utilize the programs that can be used to improve the quality of health care, its safety and efficiency. One such software is Oracle, which is robust in identity management and data security solutions. It enables the organization to implement first order HIPAA/HITECH compliance programs in the division of health care emerging electronic age (Oracle white paper, 2011). The current reforms that have been introduced in HIPAA/HITECH system stress on the definition of manifestation or manifested. These reforms are expected to improve the quality of healthcare as the concept of extracting family medical history, genetic information 9with respect to the patient and the disease f rom which he is suffering), is very efficient in providing the right course of treatment (HIPAA.com, 2015). HITECH provides facilities fro the patient health information by calling for the healthcare organization, the business associates and the providers of the service to disclose if there have been any breaches (including a detailed description of the incident, time, place, how it was discovered) and other investigatory details (Capus safety, 2010). The HITECH act is now applicable and affects the business associates directly. Conventional trend was to impose the security and privacy requirements through contractual agreements with the covered entities but under the HITECH Act, the business associates are required to abide by the rules mentioned in the HIPAA Security Rule (SR). The Act allows most of the software vendors who provide HER systems, to qualify as business associates. Since the vendors will be required to comply by the rules, more vendor/provider dialog will occur with regards to the necessary Business Associate Agreements or the contracts. As a result, the vendors will insist on it themselves (HITECH Act summary, 2012). The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) regulations apply both to the paper as well as electronic records. Any breach in the notification may arise the case of penalties. There are provisions for criminal penalties for business associates as well. While HIPAA addresses mostly the health information security and the issues related to the privacy, HITECH act extends its scope by covering the non HIPAA covered entities also. Therefore, HITECH acts adds a muscle to HIPAA act and the strongest impact it has had is to encourage the healthcare force, the vendors, and the care givers to implement stronger and more secure means to protect patients data and avoid milti million dollar fines that are levied for any kind of non compliance (Campus safety, 2010). References Campus Safety. (2010). How HITECH Act may affect your healthcare facility. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/article/How-the-HITECH-Act-May-Affect-Your-Healthcare-Facility.Committee on Health Research and the Privacy of Health Information (CHRPHI): The HIPAA Privacy Rule, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Health Care Services. (2009). Beyond the HIPAA Privacy Rule:: Enhancing Privacy, Improving Health Through Research. Natioal Academic Press.HIPAA.com. (2015). HIPAA Final Rule: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act: Manifestation or Manifested. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.hipaa.com/hipaa-final-rule-genetic-information-nondiscrimination-act-manifestation-or-manifested/.HITECH Act summary. (2012). The HITECH Act. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.hipaasurvivalguide.com/hitech-act-summary.php.National Conference of State Legislatures. (2012). HIPAA: Impacts and actions by states. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/hipaa-a-state-related-overview.aspx.Oracle White paper. (2011). HITECHs challenge to the health care industry. Retrieved on 11th March 2015 from https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/security/owp-security-hipaa-hitech-522515.pdf.State alliance for E-heath. (2009). Preparing to implement HITECH. National governors Association.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why Do We Need The Covenants Essays - Law In The Bible,
Why Do We Need The Covenants? Judy Beaty GREL 1003: Principals of Biblical Faith Prof. J. Gordon Eisenman 11 October 2000 Why do we need the Covenants? Could mere obedience to law bring about forgiveness of sins and salvation? God's whole plan of salvation is promised and understood through the Covenants. Many denominations have different beliefs, however, thanks to the Covenants, all believe that the only condition for salvation that He requires is faith. These Covenants were and are still very necessary because they convey God's promise. An understanding of the Covenants helps build a person's faith and gives one a much better basis for understanding of the Bible. The need for the Covenants was pointed out by God in Romans 3:23, where He said, ?all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.? In the Old Testament, the believers did not have God's Spirit in them as a permanent gift. The laws, of the Old Covenant, were broken by Gods people, even though, both Covenants made clear that the way to be declared ?not guilty? by Him was not for good work or deeds, but by faith. The Old Covenant ? What and Where Whenever God makes a promise or gives man a commandment or a prohibition, He makes a covenant with man. This type of contract usually comes about through negotiations. Once an agreement is reached, it is usually sealed in some formal way. Thus, it becomes binding to everyone. The Old Covenant was essentially a contract between God and the Israelites (His chosen people). He sent Moses to these people to convey his message, which was ?If ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and an holy nation? (KJV) Exodus 19:5 ? 6. The physical sign of following the Old Covenant was circumcision. The Mosaic Law was a central part of the Old Covenant. This law was the moral record of how God's people were supposed to live. The vehicle by which God taught people about their own sinfulness and their need for a savior was the Law in the Old Testament. However, Paul, along with the rest of the apostles, taught that salvation was impossible through obedience to the Law, even under the Old Covenant. Paul stated this in Romans 3:20, ?because of the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.? He also goes on in Romans 4 to show that not even Abraham, the father of the nation of Israel, was justified before God through faith, not by works. In Timothy, when Paul uses the words ?Scriptures? or ?sacred writings?, he is referring to the Old Testament, which of course, included the Law. Old Covenant Followers There were several people who followed the Old Covenant, such as Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Jacob and Moses. One such person who was good and followed everything God told him to do was Moses. The Bible makes it clear that Moses is founder of the Jewish people and Judaism, the faith, but that Abraham is the founder of the nation. As the leader of the Jews he freed them from slavery in Egypt, as well as protected them from the wrath of God, and negotiated with God on their behalf. Moses is said to be the author of the first five books of the Bible, best known as the ?Torah?. He is the greatest of the Hebrew prophets, who had many ?face to face? meetings with God. God had Moses come up the mountain, where he received the stone tablets (the 10 Commandments) to take down to His people and thus interpret these laws to them. God trusted and believed in Moses because he always followed His direction and never, was there any doubt of Moses' faith. Old and New Covenant ? Similarities and Differences God put both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant into motion and He set the terms. The ultimate goal of both covenants is ?they will truly be my people and I will be their God? Jeremiah 31:33. Jesus was more concerned about the
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Hanging Upside Down is Fun! The Other Side of The Essay Expert
Hanging Upside Down is Fun! The Other Side of The Essay Expert Sometimes the greatest things to be acknowledged for are not work-related. I was therefore very excited to be featured in the Escape Adulthood blog. Escape Adulthood is a company whose mission is to â€Å"annihilate Adultitis†! As much as I am behind the mission of my own company, I’m thrilled to be part of this grand vision to bring lightness and childlike enthusiasm to the lives of as many people as possible! I hope you enjoy seeing this other side of The Essay Expert. Hint: I talk a lot about being upside down.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Dancing Raisin Experiment
The Dancing Raisin Experiment Raisins may be dehydrated grapes, but when you add a certain liquid to them they become hip-hoppin’ dancers- at least, thats how they look. To demonstrate the principles of density and buoyancy, all you need is a little carbon dioxide gas to get those raisins doing the jitterbug. To create carbon dioxide in the kitchen you can use baking soda and vinegar or with the less messy (and less predictable) clear, carbonated soda. Materials This is a low-cost project, and the materials you need are easy to find in the grocery store. They include: 2 to 3 clear glasses (depending on how many versions of the experiment you want to run at the same time)A box of raisinsClear, well-carbonated soda (tonic water, club soda, and Sprite all work well) or baking soda, vinegar, and water Hypothesis Start by asking following question and record the answer on a piece of paper: What do you think happens when you put raisins in soda? The Dancing Raisins Experiment Decide whether you want to use soda or baking soda and vinegar to conduct the experiment or if you want to compare what happens in both versions of the experiment. Note: For the baking soda and vinegar version of the experiment, you’ll need to fill the glass halfway with water. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda, stirring to make sure it dissolves completely. Add enough vinegar to make the glass about three-quarters full, then proceed to Step 3. Put out one clear glass for every different type of soda you’ll be testing. Try different brands and flavors; anything goes so long as you can see the raisins. Make sure your soda hasn’t gone flat and then fill each glass to the halfway mark.Plop a couple of raisins into each glass. Don’t be alarmed if they sink to the bottom; that’s supposed to happen.Turn on some dance music and observe the raisins. Soon they should begin dancing their way to the top of the glass. Observations and Questions to Ask What happened when you first dropped the raisins in the glass?Why did they sink?Once they started dancing, did the raisins stay at the top?What else did you notice happening to the raisins? Did they look different?Do you think the same thing would have happened if you put raisins in water?What other objects do you think would dance in soda? Scientific Principles at Work As you observed the raisins, you should have noticed that they initially sank to the bottom of the glass. That’s due to their density, which is greater than that of liquid. But because raisins have a rough, dented surface, they are filled with air pockets. These air pockets attract the carbon dioxide gas in the liquid, creating the little bubbles you should have observed on the surface of the raisins. The carbon dioxide bubbles increase the volume of each raisin without raising its mass. When the volume increases and the mass does not, the density of the raisins is lowered. The raisins are now less dense than the surrounding fluid, so they rise to the surface. At the surface, the carbon dioxide bubbles pop and the raisins’ density changes again. That’s why they sink again. The whole process is repeated, making it look as though the raisins are dancing. Extend the Learning Try putting the raisins in a jar that has a replaceable lid or directly into a bottle of soda. What happens to the raisins when you put the lid or cap back on? What happens when you take it back off?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Essay
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) - Essay Example The research explains the following design approaches: First, constructivist’s approach applied allowed the researcher to understand the practices and processes in emergency departments. Furthermore, the paradigm provides realism of the shared research. Second, the thematic analysis used was to enhance the inductive nature of the research and make sense of the responses on perceptions. Group interviews provided the interactive opportunity for relations and shared meanings to manifest themselves. The researchers conducted interviews in sixteen hospitals to select the participating emergency nurses. The advertisement of the recruitment drive took place through posters. All participants were registered, nurses. Some of the criteria applied in the selection process include at least one-year experience in emergency wing. The setting of the study was justified in that the researchers got the approval from the local health district research ethics committee. Data collection was accor ding to the National Health and Medical Council. Each participant filled a consent form. Prior to participation, the participants familiarized themselves with aims of the study. It is clear because there was the use of semi-structured open-ended questions. The lead researcher conducted the focus group interviews. Morgan’s 1997 guide for developing feedback was used within the focus groups. That is, covering the relevant topics, providing specific data, fostering interaction, and considering the personal context.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Research summary Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Summary - Research Paper Example Vascular lesion is considered as its leading cause, but scholars believe that trauma and tumors may also result in AOS. In AOS, there is loss of control in articulation resulting in reduced ability to sequence, time and coordinate the phonemes that lead to speech errors. The articulation is disrupted due to damage in central nervous system. It is characterized by persistent dysprosody or speech having abnormal rhythm, stress and intonation with repeated utterances in order to become articulate. It is often confused with Aphasia or conduction aphasia and Dysarthria. While Aphasia highlights language deficit and cannot select correct phonemes but has speech continuity, AOS uses correct phonemes but cannot articulate due to motor deficiency and therefore, speech is halting and repetitive. On the other hand, Dysarthria affects articulation due to muscle impairment while AOS has linguistic error is due to lack of motor control. There is more than one type of AOS as defined by the damages in different part of brain. The treatment is often focused on speech articulation therapy that is designed to improve intonation and stress through repetition of words and speech sound. Augmentative devices and alternative means like gestures, drawing, writing etc. are used for severe AOS patients. The research shows that efficacy of treatment mainly relies on experimental designs as per the needs of the patients. The study is hugely significant because it has helped to distinguish it from the various other forms of speech disorders. Most importantly, clear diagnosis has helped clinicians to address its intervention techniques. I strongly believe that the paper encourages more in depth study of the subject so that new variant of AOS could be identified. AOS is complex in its characterization and causes. As such, it necessitates early deduction so that patients can use appropriate intervention to bring under control the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Role of Conflict Essay Example for Free
The Role of Conflict Essay In the establishment of leader-follower relationships, harmony is required in order to achieve the best possible results within an organization. But in the real world, perfect harmony is not likely to happen. Leaders and followers have varying degrees of intellect, perception, and principles – and these are the very things that contribute to conflicts in an organization. While conflict can easily be assumed to have a negative effect on a leader-follower relationship, it plays a special role within the community – a role that is as equally important as harmony. The main function of conflicts is to bring out the best in every plan, policy, and method that is implemented by the leader or the group as a whole. Conflicts cause members to voice out their views and opinions to their leaders or other members with the aim of correcting what they think or feel are not right about it. Consequently, this ensures that every step that the group makes passes the strict scrutiny and evaluation of its own members and leaders (Cuban 29). Conflicts challenge the actions of leaders or other group members. People who stimulate conflicts are not necessarily bad for the organization. In fact, conflict indicates that the group is composed of people who are morally involved and committed to all the pursuits that their organization are willing to take. The actual people who seemingly create conflict are there to ensure that all steps taken by the group conforms well within social norms and ideology of the organization they belong to. They are there to protect the interests of the group and make certain that everything is done for its greater glory. They are actually more involved, although in a negative way, than those members who choose not to air out their views, no matter how right they think they are. In essence, conflicts makers benefit the organization more than the member or the leader who is indifferent to what transpires around them (Harolds Wood 203). Conflicts also bring about the best in a leader. Conflicts, whether it is aimed to make the organization good or worse, is an issue that a leader needs to deal with. A capable leader can be evaluated in terms of performance and skills by to his ability to handle conflicts. His ability to remain as a leader can be assessed through the techniques he or she uses to address the problem and the actual solutions he was able to implement (Korabik, et al 409). Works Cited Cuban, Larry. â€Å"Conflict and Leadership in the Superintendency.†Phi Delta Kappan 67.1 (1985): 28-30. Harolds, J Wood, BP. â€Å"Conflict Management and Resolution†J Am Coll Radiol 3.3 (2006): 200-2006. Korabik, Karen, Baril, Galen L, Watson Carol. â€Å"Managers Conflict Management Style And Leadership Effectiveness: The Moderating Effects Of Gender†Sex Roles 29.5-6 (1993):405-420.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Little Red Riding Hood :: Little Red Riding Hood
Analysis of Little Red Riding Hood  The psychologist Sigmund Freud created many theories on how people are and why they do the things they do. His psychoanalytic theories are used today to for a better understanding of and to analyze literature. Freud’s three key zones of mental process are the id, the ego and the superego. The id is one of the most important of the three when talking about â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†by Charles Perrault. The author tries to show that being impulsive and basically giving in to your id is not the best way to live one’s life.  In the beginning of â€Å"Little Red Riding Hood†, the little girl is happily skipping through the forest. â€Å"†¦she met a wolf, who wanted to eat her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Stories, 1066) and proceeds to have a friendly conversation with him. This is her first mistake. Being young and uninformed about the ways of the world, she thinks it is perfectly normal to talk to a big, scary wolf. â€Å"The poor child did not know how dangerous it is to chatter away to wolves†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Stories, pg. 1066). Since the little girl is young and impressionable, she jumps on her impulses to talk to any stranger she comes across. She does not think of what could come of her informing the wolf of her every move. She is not concerned with what might happen due to her irrational choice of speaking with a similarly irrational wolf.  The wolf is also guilty of giving in to his amoral desires. When he first sees the little girl, he â€Å"†¦wanted to eat her but did not dare to because there were woodcutters working nearby.†(Stories, pg. 1066) He refrained from giving into his impulses only because he was afraid of being hurt by the people nearby. However, the wolf did not stay hungry for long. Giving into his animalistic desires, he beat the girl to her grandmother’s house and proceeded to eat her. He could not ignore his desires anymore. The wolf thinks with his stomach and not his mind. â€Å"The id is, in short, the source of all our aggressions and desires.†(HCAL, pg. 130) The wolf shows the fundamental characteristics of the id. He relies on his aggression and desires to obtain what he wants.  At the end of the story, the irrationality of the main characters comes to an all time high.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Are our actions truly our own? Essay
What we do, where we walk, how we act and what decisions we take; are they guided by our free will or by the hand of fate? Even if we do have free will; are we one hundred percent, truly free or is free will just training wheels carrying us along different paths to our predestined location? If so, we are inherently limited from birth in the aspects of our intelligence, success, and true freedom depending on how binding the shackles of fate truly are. We can’t control circumstances of our birth or generally life-altering things that are out of our control such as a random lightning strike or traffic accident, but perhaps we can control the broader course of our life through our actions. One who trains their body diligently and with supreme effort may become a famous MMA fighter with a body that the ancient Greeks would marvel at, but what if that person’s profession and training were stamped into him at birth? At conception? At the beginning of time itself? Possible, but what if he just made a decision one day and earned it? There simply is no way to know, short of speaking with the divinity that has assigned us all our fates if such a being exists. Say we are all prisoners in an inescapable prison of destiny. Perhaps some of us are given the opportunity to control our fates. Perhaps some of us are afforded a choice between the blue pill or the red pill; the choice to be a living puppet or to break into our own universal order and control our own lives. We will never know. The one thing we may know however, is that we may be given this choice one day, and this rift in the balance of the universe will afford us enough free will in the situation simply to make the decision between the blue pill and the red pill. We can know in our hearts what our decisions will be when we are handed our destinies and told to take control and become the master of our own destinies or release them back into the cosmic wind, and become a simple puppet once more. I can speak for no one but myself, but I know my answer in my heart. The thought of my life being anything but my own up until this point sickens me. I will not be a puppet, I will not be led forcefully through my destiny by the imperceptible shackles of fate. I will take control of my destiny, steer my own ship; I will be the master of my own destiny if the expense is my life; because I know the life I led will have truly been mine.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Macbeth Motifs Essay
When it comes down to it, humans are mammals, and there are some animalistic traits that every mammal shares. The story of Macbeth by Shakespeare includes a theme that is the epitome of a trait that all mammals share, weak versus strong. Through the use of metaphors including birds, the symbolism of Macbeth as an owl throughout the story, and the juxtaposition between birds, weak versus strong is represented by the motif of birds in Macbeth. Birds are incorporated into other literary elements that Shakespeare utilizes, showing the true depth of his writing. Metaphors allow the reader to paint a picture of written words referencing images that they are familiar with. Like any other animal, there is a hierarchy of strength and therefore power for birds. The metaphors that Shakespeare incorporates into Macbeth including birds allow the reader to reference their experience with strong birds fighting to create an image of what the humans in the story might have been fighting like. A captain describes how valiantly Macbeth fought in the battles in the beginning of the story, saying that he was â€Å"as sparrows eagles†, which paints a picture of a valiant and strong eagle fighting a small, meek sparrow (1.2.35-42). However, later in the story, when Macbeth’s position shifts and he is no longer perceived as a noble soldier but rather as a tyrannical ruler preying on those he controls, birds are used in a metaphor again to illustrate a changed image of Macbeth. â€Å"A falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place,†representing honor and innocence, â€Å"was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed,†illustrating an evil bird using its strength to overpower and kill an innocent bird (2.4.11-14).Sometimes, a reader does not glean the true meaning of an object in a story until after it has been illustrated throughout the entirety of the work of literature. Throughout the uses of birds in Macbeth, including the imagery and metaphors, a pattern occurs where a powerful owl is preying on weaker birds, and by the end of the story the reader comes to realize that the owl is a representation of Macbeth and the acts he is committing. The owl referenced during the murder of Duncan, is described as an â€Å"obscure bird†that â€Å"clamored the livelong night†as he â€Å"heard i’ th’ air, strange screams of death†(2.3.49-56). The owl in this scene is a symbol for Macbeth discovering what he is capable of, and what new powers he receives when he utilizes his newfound strength against others. One example of how he uses his recent strength was when he decided to have everyone in Macduff’s castle unnecessarily murdered. In this scene Lady Macduff is expressing her anger toward her husband, but also reveals characteristics of Macbeth when she states that her husband is not equal to â€Å"the most diminutive of birds,†which â€Å"will fight, her young ones in her nest, against the owl†(4.2.6-14). Macbeth being represented by the owl in this context depicts him as a villain that is so hungry for control that he will go to such extremes as to attack a weak, defenseless bird and it’s young. Sometimes it is equally as important to illustrate the weak side of a relationship as the strong side because then the contrast between the weak and the strong is magnified for the reader. In Macbeth, Shakespeare utilizes this juxtaposition to make the theme of strong versus weak even more apparent by inserting some descriptions of birds that appear weak to make the acts done by the stronger birds even more horrific. The day before Duncan’s murder where a powerful, evil owl was present, Banquo and Duncan comment on the sweet, innocent birds at Macbeth’s castle, â€Å"this guest of summer, the temple-haunting martlet, does approve†¦that the heaven’s breath smells wooingly here†this illustrates their vulnerability and unawareness to the upcoming strike by Macbeth, making his actions seem even worse. When Lady Macduff tells her son that â€Å"thou’dst never fear the net nor lime, the pitfall nor the gin,†he responds with a question of why he should because â€Å"poor birds they are not set for†, meaning that because he would be such a weak bird, hunters would have no want for him (4.2.36-37). Just after making this point, the defenseless son of Macduff is murdered by the king Macbeth, making the reader question what kind of tyrant Macbeth has come to be. The use of birds in Macbeth by Shakespeare is used to develop the theme of weak versus strong when they are used in metaphors, when Macbeth is represented by a bird throughout the story, and by the juxtaposition of the weak and strong birds. The acts committed by the characters aroused emotions in the audience because they were not so unrealistic that the audience could not relate to them, they represented the mammal in humans, the animal inside of all of us that we attempt to constrain. Birds are essential to create this unsettling feeling because their rustic, animal-like nature is no unlike the animalistic traits we try to hide, which allows the reader or audience to relate with the motif.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Typical New Years Greetings in French
Typical New Years Greetings in French The French really know how to celebrate New Years. Indeed, New Years in France is not just a day, or a day and an evening, but an entire season. Saying Happy New Year in French involves knowing basic New Years greetings as well as learning French New Years greetings related to the season. Typical French New Years Greeting In English, you say Happy New Year. But the French generally dont say new when wishing someone a great year. Instead, in French, you say only happy year, as in: Bonne annà ©e Happy New Year The French usually follow this expression with a phrase that literally translates as have a good health, as in: Bonne santà © Good health to you. To really understand how to send New Years greetings, its helpful to learn that in France, citizens celebrate the New Years (or holiday) season for more than a month. Sending Greetings for the Upcoming Year The holiday season in France starts with la Saint Nicolas on Dec. 6. The holiday season actually ends on Three Kings Day (lEpiphanie) when you typically eat une galette des rois (a wafer of kings) on Jan. 6. Confusing matters even more, its customary to wait to send out your good wishes for a French happy (new) year until the end of January. These examples show what you might write on greeting cards to your French friends wishing them a happy new year. Toute la famille se joint moi pour vous souhaiter une joyeuse annà ©e 2019: que la santà ©, lamour et la rà ©ussite vous accompagnent dans tous vos projets.  The whole family joins me in wishing you a joyful year in 2019: Let health, love, and success be with you in all your projects.Une annà ©e se termine, une autre la remplace: voici une merveilleuse occasion de vous adresser tous mes vÅ“ux de bonheur et de rà ©ussite.  A year ends, another one replaces it: Here is a marvelous occasion to send you all my wishes for happiness and success.Je te souhaite une trà ¨s bonne annà ©e 2019, pleine de projets, de rencontres et de belles surprises.  I wish you a very happy 2019, full of projects, encounters, and beautiful surprises. Putting the New in French Happy New Year Though you dont say new when wishing someone a happy new year on Dec. 31 or Jan. 1, you can slip the word in when sending someone a card wishing her well at the end of the holiday season, as in: Tous nos vÅ“ux pour cette nouvelle annà ©e, ils portent en eux lexpression dune sincà ¨re affection. All our wishes for this new year. They carry the expression of my deepest friendship.Nous vous envoyons tous nos meilleurs vÅ“ux pour la nouvelle annà ©e et vous embrassons bien fort. Sending you all our kisses for the new year.Que te souhaiter de mieux que la santà © dans ta vie, la prospà ©rità © dans ton travail et beaucoup damour tout au long de cette nouvelle annà ©e.  What best could we wish you more than health in your life, prosperity in work, and lots of love throughout the New Year?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Project Scope Management
A Project Scope Management Scope is the description of the boundaries of the project. It defines what the project will deliver and what it will not deliver. Scope is the view all stakeholders have from the project; it is a definition of the limits of the project. Project Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required to complete the project successfully. Project scope management’s primary concern is with defining and controlling what is and is not included in the project. One of the leading causes for project failures is poor management of the project scope, either because the project manager did not spend enough time defining the work, there was not an agreement on the scope by stakeholders, or there was a lack of scope management which leads to adding work not authorized or budgeted to the project, this is known as scope creep. Scope creep, or the uncontrolled changes in a project’s scope, is the tendency o f a project to include more tasks than originally specified, which often leads to higher than planned project costs and an extension of the project end date (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) The purpose of scope change management is to protect the viability of the approved Project Contract (or agreement) and the approved Project Logical Framework (Logframe). In other words, the Project Contract defines the overall scope of the project, and the Logframe which establish a causal link between inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes and objectives of the project. It is not possible to assume there will be no changes during the life of the project. For example, changes may come from the beneficiaries who want additional deliverables, then the initial estimates for budget, and schedule may no longer be valid. If the donor agrees to include the new work into the project scope, the project manager has the right to expect that the current budget and deadline will be modified (usually increased) to reflect this additional work. This new estimated cost, effort and duration now become the approved target (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) All changes to the project scope must be approved by management and the donor; this is one of the principal requirements for scope management. This is not to say the objective of scope management is to avoid any changes to the initial agreement; development projects, due to their nature are initiated mostly on general assumptions. It is expected that as the project makes progress, additional information will lead to new insights that require the project to change its approach and its plans. The purpose of scope management is to establish a process that will allow the incorporation of changes by ensuring the changes contribute to the ultimate goal of the project, changes are agreed by stakeholders and approved by management and the donor. Scope management consists of a series of tasks and steps designed to help the project manager manage the project deliverables, the steps are: (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) Defining the Scope Assigning Scope Work Verifying the Scope Adapting the Scope DEFINING PROJECT SCOPE
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Leasing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leasing - Case Study Example However, the disadvantage to leasing is that, if circumstances dictate that a business must change its operations significantly, it may be expensive or otherwise difficult to terminate a lease before the end of the term. (Wikipedia contributors 2006) For example, if Hasbro finds Maxie a failing project at the middle of the leasing term, it is expensive or difficult for Hasbro to terminate the lease. 8. At the end of the five year lease period, Hasbro would base two factors to determine their decision of whether or not to buy the machinery. The first factor is whether the "wear and tear" level of the machinery is more than or less than it should be as a five-year-old one. If it happens that the leased machinery is so "worn and torn" that it doesn't even worth $6,000 at the end of the lease, Hasbro would not buy it at the end of the lease definitely. The second factor is, considering the technological advancement within the five-year period, some more efficient machinery might have been produced. In this case, Hasbro would recalculate the profit and costs of purchasing a newer model before making their decision of whether or not to buy the machinery at the end of the lease.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Demonstrative Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Demonstrative Communication - Essay Example Nonverbal communication constitutes a significant portion of everyday communication. Despite the fact that thousands of languages exist across the world, people do not absolutely rely on words to convey their ideas to each other. Demonstrative communication can be referred to as the process of exchanging information between the sender and the receiver through nonverbal means. It happens outside the boundaries of verbal form of communication (Sonneborn, 2012). Demonstrative communication entails expression of feelings and messages in an organised manner. It is an effective way through which people understand and express their feelings or ideas to others. Demonstrative communication is made up of body physiology as well as nonverbal.Body communication involves space and appearance. Space can be crucial in delivering information. For example, while talking to someone and he tries to move closer to you or touch you, by retreating or taking a few steps backward is a show that you do not w ant the person to come closer to you or to have any body contact with him or her. Moving back will show the other party that he or she is occupying your space. Similarly, appearance plays a significant role in conveying information from the sender to the receiver. The mode of dressing, hairstyle, or even makeup application will send certain signals that convey particular information about an individual.The body language of individuals is perhaps the most understood form of demonstrative communication.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Can a Coffee Shop Brand Developed in Kuwait Become Significant in the Dissertation
Can a Coffee Shop Brand Developed in Kuwait Become Significant in the Global Market - Dissertation Example The food and beverage industry is a major contributor towards growth in all the economies and has witnessed a high and consistent growth rate. The industry is expected to generate CAGR of 3.5% to about $7trillion USD by the year end 2014. With respect to structure of the industry it is highly fragmented and the top market players such as Nestle, Unilever, Kraft and others accounts for only 5% of the total value. The economic downturn also had an adverse impact on industries including the food and beverage industry (IMAP, 2010, p. 4). ... Although the coffee shops have been suffering a setback, but the growth in speciality coffee has resulted mainly from three areas which includes home consumption derived from coffee machines which available to the consumers, new product targeting the young generation and through Quick service cafes or restaurants which serves coffee beverages like lattes and cappuccino attracting the young customers. This trend is being accelerated in the current global coffee market giving rise to high number of coffee outlets selling coffee beverages (Guyer, 2009). For the dissertation â€Å"Kings Coffee Co†is chosen which plans to expand its coffee business in the UK market. Kings Coffee Co is a private organisation and can be categorised under coffee both roasted and green and is located in Safat in Kuwait. The coffee shop has been doing well in Kuwait and plans to expand its business and adopt the internationalisation mode of strategy. Before a brand expand itself into foreign countries it is necessary to evaluate the opportunities in the desired target market and the future opportunities. Thus in order to analyse the future opportunity, the UK coffee market has been analysed to determine growth rate of coffee business and establishment of Kuwait coffee brands in the UK coffee market. Kuwait Coffee Market In Asia, particularly Kuwait, which is predominantly inhabited by Arabs, many are fond of coffee and as a result it is possible that a coffee shop built and developed in Kuwait can flourish with ease. In addition, the growing technological market can help in the growth of the coffee shops globally as many can view its profile online and eventually visit the place and feel part of the achievement. This project proposal tries
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Easy Jet The Most Successful Marketing Strategies Marketing Essay
Easy Jet The Most Successful Marketing Strategies Marketing Essay EasyJet has make the most of successful marketing strategies through the a range of channels available, in order to set up and uphold a control position in the low-cost airline industry. One of the great business success stories of the past five years has been the launch of the easyJet airline company (Dixon, 2000). To make easy our analysis of this purpose, we not only researched EasyJet and its marketing operation adopted over the years, but also identified the main strategies used by the other leading competitors. EasyJet has frequently tried to identify itself to its customer base as the best form of budget travel in Europe. The company known the demand for this form of travel and its marketing strategies have been first and foremost geared around providing more efficient, low-cost flights, at the same time as maintaining as a high a quality of service as possible. RECOMMENDATIONS Easy Jet needs to concentrate on maintaining its established market leadership.Miles and Snows theory of the Four Business Strategies would suggest easy Jet should move towards being an Analyser from a Prospector. To enhancing their market power both long and short-term ,Easy Jet should look to move into newer mediums for advertising, primarily using television broadcasting. Easy jet need to keep on designing new ways advancing to other ways of its competence and mobilizing within their wide employee base. Easy Jet need to further consider and by fomenting such other dimensions of this business, will help out maintain another key element which still, other rivals fail to be familiar with. Easy jet should keep on hold Its new style of advertising which can be with the help out of its existing customers. That can make things easy for Easy Jet to get to know who are the customers that are brand loyal and can use them for their advertising by providing some special offers and discounts to them. INTRODUCTION Easy Jest airline is one of the best budget or low price airline, which offer cheap flight to an increasing number of destinations around the world. It was established in 1995. It was launched by the son of Greek Shipping tycoon Stelios Haji-loannou who came to England in 1984, with two leased Boeing 737-200 aircraft. EasyJets base in London was low-rent Luton Airport, formerly used only by charter operations. (A large part of easyJets strategy was the use of secondary airports, but not as out-of-the-way as those served by the Irish discount carrier Ryanair.) Easy Jet first linked London with Glasgow (beginning November 10, 1995) and Edinburgh (two weeks later) via two leased planes. Aberdeen was added in January 1996. Answers.com In the beginning booking was by telephone only, Stelios Haji-loannou used to hate the internet and says that The Internet is for nerds, it will never make money for my business!. From this small beginning Easy jet grew rapidly, In August 1999, the site counted for 38% of tickets sales or over 135,000 seats. Stelios Haji-loannou was suggested by Russell Sheffield of Tableau one of the Easy jets design and adverting agencies in December 1997, that he should consider carrying out tests a website for direct bookings. On the other hand East jets marketing director and business manager; they saw the probable and approved a website specific phone number advertised on the site can be used to trace the volume of users on the site. Haji-loannous saw the results and change his mind, and Easy Jet commissioned Tableau as partners to develop as e-commerce website capable of offering real time online booking from April 1998. In 1998 Haji-loannou invested a total of $90 million in the company, which had ordered a dozen new Boeing 737s worth  £500 million. Online booking were handled by Tableau. Over 75% of its sales are sold directly though the website. The results have been quick and sustainable growth in the face of firm competition from the big companies. It has broken the mould assumed for low-cost airlines, operation a modern and expanding fleet intensively on competitive routes. Easy Jet strategies are bold and adventurous rather than risky. The Company takes few real risks, as it applies sound business principles at the same time as carefully exploring the market. SITUATION ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is a tool for inspecting an organization and its environment. It is the first stage of planning and helps out marketers to focus on key issues. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Strengths: characteristics of the business or team that give it an advantage over others in the industry. Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment. Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors. Its o goal is to identify the project its internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that goal. SWOT analysis may be incorporated into the strategic planning model. Strategic planning has been the subject of much research. It is specific helpful in identifying area for development. SWOT analysis of Easy Jet Strengths The corporate culture at Easy Jet is that of informality and adaptability. The company favors a flat hierarchy whereby the management work closely with those below them in the chain of command. Employees are given responsibility to make decisions themselves. This empowerment is not only eliminates wasteful layers, ensures any situation is dealt with as quickly base possible but is also thought to increase employee motivation. WriteWork.com Essays and writing guides for students n.d Strength Financial growth was solid in Easy Jet, In 2005 Profit was improved by 9.1% over the previous years and the total amount before tax was  £67.6. Number of passenger increased by 21.4% to 29.6% million and revenue raised per sear by 78 pence to  £38.66. The brand name is strong It built its name on the back of the founder Mr. Stelios Haji-Loannou. It bright orange airlines and online booking system which lead to the strap line, The Company has become media friendly and identical with low cost travel. Easy Jet airlines strategy paying attention Focus on our customers, Own our markets and Reduce costs, which has remained strong. Easy Jet presents an online promotion alert which is e-mailed to existing customers and contact on the companys database. Easy Jet runs a fast and competent service with an average turnaround time of 30 minutes or below. This makes possible for them to preserve a reliable and hassle free service to their passengers. Weakness Domestic air travel is a tremendously competitive industry with Easy Jets main competitors being Jet2, BMI Baby, Ryan Air plus a host of smaller independent competitors. These external competitive forces can confine and shape pricing policy on some of Easy Jets less profitable routes as they search for to compete with their competitors. The other important thing which Easy Jet can be its weakness is that they do not offer the service of free food on longer flights of more than two hours. Opportunities Possible opening of options routes to main cities in Europe. A key route could be from Dublin to the UK, as this has a large potential for travelers going to soccer matches in the UK and new links into corporate flyers to and from the UK. Updated versions of the fly on the wall documentaries would provide the brand with more coverage and publicity. Offering of free refreshments and food on flights with a travel time more than two hours, this would offer an extra advantage and comfort to passengers making their experience with Easy Jet all the more comfortable and enjoyable. Threat Pricing is very threat to Easy Jet Company because competitors flying the same routes compete very competitively on price forcing pressure on margin on more popular flights and time slots. Economic slump may lead to reduce in casual flyers and corporate travel as companies seek to limit what they see as unnecessary expenses and in turn make less business trips. Outside market forces can have a major impact on Easy Jets business, Example; the rising cost of oil can have a major impact on running costs putting major pressure on the profitability of less popular routes and time slots. PEST analysis is very important that an organization considers its environment before beginning the marketing process. In fact, environmental analysis should be continuous and feed all aspects of planning. The organizations marketing environment is made up from PEST analysis, the acronym PEST stands for Political, Economic, Social, and Technological it is used to describe a framework for the analysis of the micro environmental factors Political factors are how and to what level a government interfere in the economy. Particularly, political factors take in areas such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to provide or be provided advantages and those that the government does not want to be provided disadvantages. In addition, governments have vast influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation. Economic factors on Easy Jet include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the inflation rate. These factors have main collision on how businesses function and make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firms cost of capital and therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an economy Social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Movements in social factors affect the demand for a companys products and how that company operates. For example, an aging population may entail a smaller and less-willing workforce , thus increasing the cost of labor. In addition, Easy Jet Company may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends. Technological factors include technological aspects such as, automation, technology motivation and the rate of technological change. They can decide obstruction to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. Additionally, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. Environmental factors include ecological and environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially have an effect on industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance. Additionally, growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change is affecting how companies operate and the products they offer, both creating new markets and moving back or destroying existing ones. Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. Segmental analysis: The geographical analysis of turnover is as follows: Area 2001 2000 Within United Kingdom 86,545 73,008 Between United Kingdom rest of Europe 244,764 177,141 Within rest of Europe 25,550 13,545 Financial analysis: eMARKETING STRATEGY A strategy is long term plan of action aimed at achieving a particular result. Plans pass on to the instantaneous actions taken to implement a strategy. Strategy also can be defined as the first step to implement in the planning. eMarketing is the procedure of marketing a brand using the Internet. Whether the business is purely an online entity or a traditional business taking its first cautious steps into the digital realm, the marketers team will guide in formulating the most suitable Internet marketing strategy to accomplish the business objectives. Importance of developing an effective e-marketing strategy is indicated by Michael Porter (2001) who has said: The key question is not whether to deploy Internet technology companies have no choice if they want to stay competitive but how to deploy it. Strategy Competitive strategy is at the heart of the field of strategic management.Easy Jet ran its first Internet only promotion in a newspaper in The Times in February 1999, with remarkable results. Easy Jets early marketing strategy was based on making flying as affordable as a pair of jeans and urged travelers to cut out the travel agent. Its early promotion consisted of little more than the airlines telephone booking number painted in bright orange on the side of its aircraft. The scalability of the Internet help out deal with demand since everyone was directed to the web site rather than the company needing to employ an extra 250 telephone operators. Though, risk management did occur with a micro site built for Times readers (www.times.easyjet.com) to keep away from putting a damage on easy Jets main site. Flight promotions are intended to avoid attracting people who had fly with Easy Jet, so advance booking schemes are proposed to attain that. Book in advance for cheap seats The basic principle is that the cheapest seats are sold first, but the approaches to give way management do differ between the airlines. Easy Jet almost completely first-come, first-served, with few special offers or sales. Figure. 1 Showing Booking in Advance Thirty Percent of seats were sold online, with the rest of transaction being completed by phone, 13,000 orders were taken over the Internet in the first day alone with over 15,000 people on the site at one point. This plan made Easy Jet make more profit, five week later after the promotion Easy jet. Promotion offered cheap flights to a choice of all Easy jet destinations when 18 tokens were collected. Seats were sold during the promotion and Easy Jet got more than  £2m. Stelios Haji-loannou uses the website as a PR tool, he uses its nearness to keep newspapers informed about new promotions and offers by phoning and e-mailing journalists and pass on them to the website rather than faxing. The website was used as an aggressive tool in what is very competitive marketplace The essential components to re-think to Stelios Haji-loannou traditional views of marketing to face up the new challenges he face. The model acts as a checklist that advises us to confront the need for:- VALUE STRATEGY A logical and customer focused offer of better value to each of his customers in the terms that matter to them. MARKET STRATEGY A clear balanced strategic pathway to market that take advantage of learning and intellect capabilities to make better market choices, clarify value propositions, and to identify the relationship network to be managed in the process of going to market. INTERNET STRATEGY Developing and Integrating the potential of the Web in changing buyer and sellers relationships, offering multiple channel capabilities and developing new business models. PROCESS STRATEGY Designing and managing clear and focused process of decisions making in creating and delivering of value to customers CHANGE STRATEGY A reliable and effective approach to making things happen in the Easy Jet Company, to deliver maintainable competitive advantage and better-quality performance through the flawless delivery of value to customers Easy Jet protect its strategy, pointing out that all decisions have been made by the full board with agreement, where necessary, from shareholders. The agreement should keep growth at 7.5% this will enable Easy Jet to boost its share of the European short-haul market from the current 7% to around 10%.The board of EasyJet is also committed to ensuring that the company achieves a proper financial return on its capital and therefore has set a target of 15% return on equity. An Important strategic implication for Easy Jet is that while its current pricing strategy is optimal given its size, it would not be optimal for airline to offer such low initial prices were it to add substantial capacity to any given route. This would be the challenge for a firm that has built up expectations among customers as as airline with a great value proposition for those willing to buy early. Value Proposition The Value proposition cencept is an integral part of the business model tool that hold a set of elements and their relationships and allows expressing the business logic of a specific firm. It can be understood as the statements of benefits that are delivered by the solid to its external population. In spite of opposing opinions concerning what factors make firms successful, differentiation and focus are two normally accepted principles that bring about effective strategies and many strategy frameworks. The mixture of benefits offered to customers. Easy Jet operates very cheaply which enables them to offer customers convenience, reliability and great service. It propose cheap flights to convenient European destinations and also gives other related services. Easy Jet apply a direct services business model. The model reaches buyers and sellers directly thereby squeezing the distribution channel and improving efficiency. The reduced expenditure allows Easy Jet to offers a cluster of benefits to customers. Easy Jets value proposition can be summarized by value for money, convenience and excellent customer service. The basic assumption is that every business transaction can be broken down to five major value attributes:- PRICE Cost of goods and services PRODUCT Goods and services purchased ACCESS How consumers obtain goods SERVICES How consumers feel about the suppliers as a result of commercial transaction. EXPERIENCE How consumers feel about themselves as a result of goods and services. Easy jet Value proposition has has been to offer cheap, punctual, safe, no trappings method of travel to people who generally paid out of their own pockets. By remaining a low cost carrieer, customer belief were minimal and as a result brand new planes with the best pilots and punctual flights was clearly successfull in satisfaction the customer, as proof but the high number of repeat fliers. Easy Jets competitive advantage is largely sustainable due to its fast speed of growth and its offer to quickly achieve the benefits of operating at the most favourable scale for greater profitability. Implementation Creating new core and extendd value for customers The capability to bring interactivity and more detailed information through the internet are key to enhacing the extended product offering online. Product selection tools can help match product to customer. The Internet also gives great opportunities to get closer to the customer. The modest feedback button can offer a revelation amount of information. Better still, by analysing consumer e-mail queries from the Internet and other channels, companies can offer best product information.Easy Jet has a detailed sed of frequently asked questions that are compiled from analysis of the hundreds of thousands of questions received online.Improvement of a clear customer value proposition is now an essential part of customer centric marketing, customer relationship management and branding. Easy jet planned to implement the project internally, but the decided that they need a strategic implementation partner with experience of the target solution technology stack. Balancing online and offline promotion methods Easy jet have the promotion method, it is its first internet only promotion in a newspaper in The Times. The use of online and offline promotion. Online promotion method such as search engine registration and banner advertising often take prominence when discussing methods of traffic building, offline promotion using deferent communications tools such as advertising and PR delivery by traditional media such as TV, Radio and Print on order to deliver visitors to an online presence. The passengers online experience strengthens confidence in the booking process. A five step move towards is taken, allowing the passenger to exit at any time. The booking form remembers essential passenger information, so irritating towards the inside of basic details is not necessary if passengers want to try-out with dates and times. Once a passenger has booked their ticket for the first time, they can directly influence the ticket price, and choices are offered to them that are not available elsewhere. As a result, there seems little doubt that easy Jets customers enjoy their online experience, so ensuring that they come back regularly and often. Implementation Impact of strategy having upon the performance of the business The website was designed in such a way that it was easier for the customers to navigate and very simple design. Their new idea in the site design was introducing the games such as BAs losses and Battle with Swissair. These created a curious in the customers to checkup with the site. Also the winners were given prizes in the form of free air tickets, thus increasing the sales by involving the customers themselves. The most important strategy was to make everything easier for their customers. Easy prefix had been added where, easyEverything means, the separate internet cafe which allowed the customers to browse free though the Easy jet site. Some of the strategies which still followed by the easy jet make the customer remember of their service and name of easy jet even in offline, that is even at the street. The major value produced by this site was that it is well integrated within the business itself. That is the changes or any new destinations, everything were immediately updated in the website, once they were fed into the information system of the company. As soon as they have implemented the new system of marketing technique, that is through the internet, their sales rise significantly. This new marketing system facilitate them to lessen the running costs, which is very important to any company. Since their costs were reduced, they were able to offer their customers a discount of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1. Easy Jet company it is also easier for them to determine how much tickets got booked with the help of their website. This was possible with the help of the special telephone number on the site. It was in fact, their six months target was reached just in six weeks. Also, one great benefit they found out with the help of the easy Jets website was, almost everyone who called booked their tickets, opposite to the phone line where only one caller out of the six callers booked their ticket. Easy Jets website sales was rising, at one point they reached the level such that two-fifths of the business was generated through the website. Then they took this task to in house maintenance itself rather than outsourcing as a result the cost was reduced further. Newspaper was their first major promotion of their site was. Mainly they used The Times. This brought a very remarkable result. Where on the first day itself 20,000 tickets were sold out. As a result they used the offline advertising to promote their online ticket bookings. Legal and ethical issues When using the Internet and E-Commerce it is important to remember that there are many legal and ethical issues to be considered. Legal Issues When starting a business on the Web, there are significant legal issue to consider. Making evaluation about legal matter is about how comfortable you are with risk. If you make huge revenue with a high risk business, you could come to a decision that the money is worth the risk, or you might prefer to do it for a short period of time, collect your money and get out. This is just because there is risk does mean that it is not a good business for you. Everything in life has risks and your business is no exception. Consideration for legal and ethical matter with regard to the gathering, processing, distributing and use of information on the internet is now becoming very important. As the technology raise the relationship between the society and politics also increases. Ethical and legal decisions are therefore becoming very important to balance the needs and rights of everyone. Legal issue than can be considered are:- Where things really happen ? How should the transaction be authenticated ? How to determine the minors when making e-transaction ? Who are behind the screen ? Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace ? How can we solve the jurisdiction problem in dispute settlement ? Which Legal System will apply ? Do we have Cyber laws that protect on-line consumer ? Legal issues can be as follows:- Copyright Violation Watch out for this particular crime of sites that copy your website text legal issues or name while trying to pledge off some other item they are selling. It is provided for both the published and unpublished works. It is important when obtaining content for the Easy Jet site and in the protection of the sites content. The owner of a copyright can have the exclusive right:- To copy the work To modify the work To distribute the work To perform the work publicity To display the work publicity Trade mark It is the ownership of intellectual properties that identifies goods or services. In internet trademark is mainly used in naming the domains. A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, which identifies and distinguishes the source of particular goods. A service mark is the same as a trademark, except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. Ethical Issues E-commerce businesses which are entering in the world will be facing a new set of ethical challenges. It is easy for businesses to become sidetracked in the technical challenges of operating in this way and to pay little attention to the ethical implications. Ethical Issues can be as follows:- Advertising And Keywords Scams Unethical spyware/adware companies are promoting themselves as: get to the top of Google, Yahoo, and MSN search guaranteed for your keywords. These companies are using the term Search Engine Data Merging. Spyware and adware is installed on some users computers then they sell keywords to professionals for thousands of dollars a year. This is a huge money making scam. Identity Theft Internet Fraud Identity theft is a main problem of which have been there for long time in many situation. Be cautious, that this issue is related to online B2C ethical business issues and legal issues. Domain Name Registration Issues and Scams Domain name registration is another area online where ethics have been thrown out. Without doubt there are some gray areas for someone to be registering a domain name that is close to some other corporate identitys name. Other than that, many of these individuals and corporations that register domain names in the same country and other countries that are near to, or similar to the spellings of others, are registering the names to violate upon the trademarks and brands of other corporations and organizations. CONCLUSION The main objective of this document is to know what are the strategies followed by the Easy jet to achieve the top position in the low cost carrier in Europe. One of the great business success stories of the past five years has been the launch of the easy Jet airline company (Dixon, 2000). Easy jet has been able to be successful in this industry due to its ground-breaking. And in order to remain in this position in the following years also it has to be more and more inventive. Because in this modern world the competition is becoming heavier and heavier. This is the world of survival of the fittest. Easy Jet has continuously tried to identify itself to its consumer base as the best form of budget travel in Europe. The company known as the demand for this form of travel and its marketing strategies have been first and foremost geared around providing more efficient, low-cost flights, at the same time as maintaining as a high a quality of service as possible. Through their clear, effective website, they have strived to make it increasingly easy for customers to deal with the company, whereas strategically positioning their advertising to be directed at the market served. Policies for expansion have been the driving force behind easy Jets important growth and have enabled them to get rid of key competitor from the industry. Nevertheless, with the emergence of new, strong competitors in the industry and the increasing demand for low-cost travel, it is evident that easy Jet must remain inventive in its marketing and assign enough resources to make safe a long-term position as the market leader.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Poltics in America - Without Tolerance, Nothing will be Accomplished Es
Poltics in America - Without Tolerance, Nothing will be Accomplished Donald Kaul, a Tribune Media Syndicate’s newspaper veteran of twenty five years, can be said to be famous for his often sarcastic but astute observations on everything from campaign reform to "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." Occasionally a letter to the editor appears in the newspaper protesting his remarks, usually from a self-proclaimed, right-wing conservative calling him a "bleeding heart liberal." What exactly do these terms mean, however? Are they absolute in what they represent? In general, a conservative opposes social programs and government intervention in business practices. They usually stress Judeo-Christian values as a solution to most issues. Conservatives are opposed to affirmative action, unions, and taxation-- especially of the rich, since they are the ones who provide jobs for the rest. A liberal believes government intervention is necessary to provide all people with equal opportunities before the law. Their most sacred tenets are progr essive taxation, welfare, and public education. Liberals stress diversity and individual civil rights. Donald Kaul exhibits more traits of a liberal, although he is a moderate in his beliefs. The subject matter in the articles analyzed were the separation of church and state, gun control, environmental protection, capital punishment, and the rivalry between Republicans and Clinton.The subjects Kaul writes about are not regional at all;...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Guidelines for Writing the Three Major Parts of the Literature Review Essay
The introductory section should describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme or research question or problem) that is being reviewed. Aim for an â€Å"eye catching opening sentence†. Sometimes this is a dramatic expression of a number to catch the reader’s attention such as the prevalence of a disease, crime rate, school drop out rate, or sales volume. Be sure the topic is focused on the literature that will be reported. Briefly define the key concepts. Introduce these immediately. The topic should be sufficiently focused to permit an in-depth, substantial investigation, relevant to an area of advanced study/global leadership that guides a range of inquiry, results in an extensive search of scholarly literature, and generation of questions for further inquiry. The purpose of a literature review is presented in the introduction. Bourner (1996) reports the following Purposes – of a literature review – (reasons for a review of the literature) before embarking on a research project. These reasons include: †¢ to identify gaps in the literature †¢ to avoid reinventing the wheel (at the very least this will save time and it can stop you from making the same mistakes as others) †¢ to carry on from where others have already reached (reviewing the field allows you to build on the platform of existing knowledge and ideas) †¢ to identify other people working in the same fields (a researcher network is a valuable resource) †¢ to increase your breadth of knowledge of your subject area †¢ to identify seminal works in your area †¢ to provide the intellectual context for your own work, enabling you to position your project relative to other work †¢ to identify opposing views †¢ to put your work into perspective †¢ to demonstrate that you can access previous work in an area †¢ to identify information and ideas that may be relevant to your project †¢ to identify methods that could be relevant to your project Bourner, T. (1996). The research process: Four steps to success in T. Greenfield (Ed. ), Research methods: Guidance for postgraduates (pp. 7-11). London: Arnold. Retrieved 8-13-02 from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology RMIT University http://www. lib. rmit. edu. au/tutorials/literature/litrev. html As you attempt to define concepts (variables) and their relationships to other variables, if applicable, identify causal (independent) variables and effects (dependent variables). You may also identify other variables that can be contextual, intervening, or mediating (see Creswell, pp. 94-95 or other texts). After you introduce the topic area properly (instructions follow), you will develop a succinct one-sentence purpose of the review. Three examples of a concluding purpose statement in the overview are: Example 1: The purpose of this review is to critically analyze the theoretical and empirical literature on web-based instruction as an instructional method in distance education, with an emphasis on effectiveness studies that focus on instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, student perceptions of this method of course delivery, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"instructional method of web-based instruction†and the effects (dependent variable) are instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, and student perceptions. Example 2: The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is to (a) examine historical and current literature to evaluate whether gender workplace bias exists; (b) explore the impact such a bias would have on women in the workplace, specifically women moving up the corporate ladder; and, (c) identify any theoretical or empirical gaps in the literature for the purpose of suggesting future areas of scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"gender bias against women in the workplace†and the effect (dependent variable) is mobility up the corporate ladder. Example 3 (Review carefully): The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is explore the influence of organizational leadership and other factors on organizational performance, in for-profit and not-for profit service organizations, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variables (independent) are â€Å"organizational leadership†and â€Å"other factors†, contextual (intervening or mediating) variables are the type of organization (product versus service) and profit/non-profit, and the effect (dependent variable) is organizational performance. Please note in developing your purpose statement, that the purpose statement begins with The purpose of †¦. and concludes with a statement related to identifying future areas of scholarly inquiry. 9 Instructions: Writing An Overview and Purpose (Follow precisely) *Review Blackboard Forum 5. Use your information and faculty comments for strengthening, as a guide to develop your Overview and Purpose (see items #1-9 below). *Draft 1 is due Week 3. Review Forum 6. You will get a great start if you develop this well. 1. Using the template: a. Develop a preliminary title for the Review and include on the title page. The title should include the main concepts and themes (and/or key theories) for this review. Remember this is a critical analysis of the literature NOT a research study!!!! In no area of this paper, should you refer to this Review of Literature as a research study!!!!!! b. For the Introduction to the Literature, insert a brief subtitle preceding the colon for the level heading: ___: Overview and Purpose. 2. Under the Overview and Purpose, introduce the paper with an â€Å"eye catching†opening sentence for the first paragraph. 3. After the â€Å"eye catching†opening sentence, briefly – describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme). Get to the point – don’t let the reader guess what the review is about –a few sentences. 4. Next include brief definitions of each of the major concepts and cite references for these definitions in appropriate APA format. BE BRIEF – this is not the literature but an introduction to it! Anything you present in the introduction is developed in depth in the Review of the Literature. 5. Next, very briefly, attempt to identify how the literature explains these variables and their relationships to other variables. Include as many as possible variables because this will help in constructing a literature map. The map will show relationships between the variables as you describe here. – Begin with the following: The causal variables (independent are) †¦ The effects (dependent/outcome variables are†¦ Contextual (intervening or mediating) variables that further impact the dependent or outcome variables are †¦. 6. Discuss how the topic area was identified and your reasons (point of view) for selecting the topic area to conduct your critical analysis of the literature. Review the Guidelines: How to Start – Select a Topic and Overview and Purpose, including purposes identified by Bourner (1996). Begin with the following: The topic area of ____ was selected because___. 7. Explain what you want to know about the topic. Review Hart, 1999, p. 14 (Questions the Review Can Answer). Begin with the following: Some questions to be answered through this critical analysis of the literature are:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8. Answer the following: Is the topic about the problems in a discipline or field of study, the processes in a discipline or field of study, or the practices in a discipline or field of study? Processes can refer to various epistemologic processes to develop knowledge (also See Hart, 1999, p. 14). Introduce this clearly so the reader knows what you are speaking about. Begin with the following: The problem area of †¦ is about†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. Conclude the Overview and Purpose with a clearly formulated statement of purpose of the literature review. Use the examples in the guidelines, as a guide to develop this. Make this clear (see examples in the previous lecture note). Begin with the following and include the ending The purpose of this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. Organization of the Review, Scope, and Library Research Plan Organization of the Review Lecture Collect appropriate articles, read critically, identify concepts, theories, and themes, and think about the best way to present your topic. Write these concepts, theories, and themes down (see your Blackboard forum 5 submission and instructor response. Develop a Literature Map. This is a Content Map (Concept Map or Mind Map): All students will have a literature map that will guide the organization of the review and literature search. Build (draw) a visual picture of the concepts and their relationships, which results in a literature map. These evolve from your topic, key concepts, ideas, theme, and/or purpose. Don’t introduce new information or concepts. It should first be introduced in the overview. The literature map is presented in-depth here. There are many methods to organize the review, which often change as you learn more about the topic. Concept Mapping – Representing information in diagram form where key words are linked by lines. These lines are then labeled to express the relationship between the terms. The resulting ‘map’ shows links between key ideas and can then be read through to clarify relationships between key terms. a. Definition and Purpose of a Literature Map. This map is a visual/graphic representation of concepts, ideas, and themes that serve to guide thinking. In this case, the purpose is to guide the search and organizational presentation of your review. This map serves to: i. Develop ideas for your review ii. Show relationships and interrelationships between the concepts, theories, and themes – and if so, what type of relationships iii. Assist in organizing old knowledge and integrating it with new knowledge iv. Guide your literature search plan/strategy v. Identify subtitles (subheadings) to organize your literature review so that you can communicate your ideas systematically. vi. A literature/content map is a creative, intuitive, and artistic endeavor to see how things fit – to generate alternatives. It is also analytical and critical, based on what you are finding in the literature. REVIEW THESE LINKS A simplified explanation of understanding of a Content map is described in the following URL – web link – http://users.edte. utwente. nl/lanzing/cm_home. htm b. Various types of Graphic or Visual Organizers (review this online. Click each box) (you need to have the syllabus downloaded and Internet connection on) |Chain of Events |Clustering |Compare/Contrast | |Continuum |Cycle |Family Tree | |Fishbone |Interaction Outline |Problem/Solution | |Spider |Storyboard |Venn Diagram | Source: http://www. sdcoe. k12. ca. us/score/actbank/sorganiz. htm Other Web sites: Graphic or Visual Organizers Graphic or Visual Organizers: A good site review this online by clicking link. http://edservices. aea7. k12. ia. us/edtech/classroom/workshops/organizers. html http://www. cast. org/ncac/index. cfm? i=3015 http://www. veale. com. au/phd/files/Lit_Map. pdf Some diagrams of content maps are depicted in the following URL web link http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/research/epp2/epp2. htm#Table1 Free Mind Mapping Software (Smart Draw) http://www. smartdraw. com/specials/mindmapping. asp? id=13054 Readings on Mapping Ideas: See Hart, 1999, pp. 142-162 Blackboard’s Assignments Toolbar: See example of literature maps in Assignments – Weeks 1-8 Literature Review (Critical Analysis) 50%. Within this folder is information on PowerPoint Presentation and Student Examples. Most of the student examples include literature maps for RES 702 (RES600) students. Organizing the review of the literature by themes, theories, or major concepts and related concepts provides a â€Å"frame for the central topic†to organize. In this case, you may proceed inductively or deductively. http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/kb/dedind. htm Exercise in Deductive/Inductive thinking: http://www2. sjsu. edu/depts/itl/graphics/induc/ind-ded. html#3b For example, a deductive approach might start with the broader view or concept(s) then move to the specific topic area. Example FOLLOWS: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature about distance learning. The map shows a deductive pattern of the major themes, using an â€Å"interaction line style†type of graphic organizer. Beginning with the broadest concept of distance education, web-based instruction interacts with student characteristics, which leads to evaluation of effectiveness of web-based instruction in distance education. . . . Other concepts and their relationships to guide the review are . . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Other Organizational Methodologies for Reviews: While RES 702 students are asked to develop literature maps that serve to organize the review, with more scholarly experience and depending upon the topic, you could also present the Review using an â€Å"opposing view†or â€Å"methodological approach†. This is not expected now. c. The literature map generates an outline for the Review of the Literature Review â€Å"Why do an Outline, and Basic Outlining skills: http://www. und. edu/instruct/wstevens/PROPOSALCLASS/PATRAS. html http://www. mnstate. edu/wasson/ed603/ed603lesson5. htm An outline provides a blueprint, skeleton, or a roadmap for the final written review. An outline is an organizational process that is a logical description of the important components of the literature review. It provides a visual and conceptual design for writing. 1. Identify the main points in the order they should be presented. 2. Differentiate each main heading into logical subheadings. 3. Use further subdivisions if necessary. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT YOU INCLUDE A SECTION ON MEASUREMENT OF YOUR MAJOR VARIABLES. REPORT SOME OF THE MAJOR METHODS, TOOLS, OR INSTRUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN PRIOR STUDIES TO MEASURE THE KEY CONCEPTS IN YOUR OUTLINE. Notice in the outline that follows, a sub-level heading is measurement of leadership and organizational performance. In the Review of the Literature section, you would then describe the tools whether qualitative or quantitative, and reliability, validity (quantitative tools), and trustworthiness of qualitative tools. Run a Proquest or Google search such as: â€Å"measurement leadership†. This saves you time in the QP and literature in the †dissertation†where you need to know how your variables have been studied and measured. It is best to have MORE detail in these themes. You can always change later. Example of an Outline: (Let us say that the following concepts are present in the literature map which could be Chain of Events, Clustering, or Interaction Outline. This is an example of an outline (quite detailed). It includes the major concepts that can be used for the literature search, and the outline is placed in the 2nd part of this Review (Review of the Literature) to organize how to present the literature. Leadership Classical, Progressive, Risk Leadership Theories Traits and Characteristics of Leaders; Leadership, Power and Influence; Gender and Equity Issues in Leadership Practice Cultural Issues and Leadership Developing Teams Leading Organizational Change Organizational Leadership Development; Strategic Leadership Leadership Measurement Organizational Performance Dimensions of Organizational Performance Organizational Climate Individual Performance Team Performance Supplier/Vendor Perspectives Customer Satisfaction Financial Performance Effectiveness Indicators Performance Driven Organizations Competency Modeling Managing Performance 360 Degree Feedback Collaborative Change Organizational Performance Measurement: Output (Activities) and Outcome (Results) Measures Factors Influencing Organizational Performance Leadership and Performance of Organizations Leadership Style and Team Performance Leadership Style and Organizational Outcomes Leadership Style and Vendor/Supplier and Customer Satisfaction Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Effectiveness 7 Instructions for Writing the Organization of the Review Do not present literature that you reviewed here. Just respond to questions 1-7. 1. After you design the literature map, begin with the statement: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature in this review about ___. 1. Next, describe the specific type of organizer that you used to design your map (for example, cluster, chain of events, cycle, etc). To do this, you need to review this syllabus on line, and click the different URL links of examples of visual or graphic organizers (review preceding lecture which provides several types). 2. Identify the specific the concepts, theories, and themes that are in your literature map. 3. Next, briefly, describe the relationships between these concepts, theories and themes (such as what leads to what? Which are the causal, outcome and/or intervening variables? Are the concepts organized inductively or deductively? This all refers to the concepts, theories, and themes in your literature map. 4. Next explain that in addition to guiding the literature search, the literature map serves to identify themes, theories, and concepts that will organize the Literature Review. Present these theories, concepts, and themes in outline form, differentiating each main heading into logical subheadings. (Keep it simple). 5. Due for draft 1, go to the next major section (Review of the Literature) – insert these themes/concepts as level headings/sublevel headings in outline form. They serve to organize the Review of the Literature. Use appropriate APA (see p. 113 of APA) level headings. An example using APA level headings, is shown in the next major section of these guidelines. The concepts and themes for the example, uses the outline of themes previously discussed (leadership and organizational performance). 6. Insert the Figure 1, Literature Map at the end of this discussion of the Organization of the Review (before Scope and Context). a. Make sure that you develop your literature map in a software application that can be copied and pasted into your Microsoft word document containing your paper. b. Make sure the map is an appropriate size and fits within the required paper margins. c. The Figure and #, and Title (Literature Map) belong at the bottom, centered: Figure 1 Literature Map Your goal is to have the map well-developed in draft 1 and finalized in (draft 2). It is expected that this map will change as you â€Å"tighten†and â€Å"organize your literature review in the next section†as well as well as in your qualifying paper. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature map evolves). Scope and Context Lecture This section lets the reader know what is and is not included in your literature review (scope). The topic is described in such a way that an appropriate context for the review of the literature is established, in a meaningful, logical way. The key terms here are included/excluded. You can restate the theories, concepts and constructs that you will include and obvious theories, concepts and constructs you won’t include (Look at your problem and topic area). Identify what might be included in the search in terms of types of organizations (public/private; for-profit, not for profit; service/product; types of businesses, types of educational institutions); populations such as young versus old; gender; cultural groups; countries; or type of occupation. The major types of scholarly literature to review are: empirical studies, review articles (critical analysis), theoretical articles/books, methodological articles, and case studies. These types of literature may be in the form of a book, hard copy journal articles, and electronic journal articles. The following are different types and forms of literature: Periodical Abstract in a primary source, Abstract in a secondary source, Periodical (hard copy), Periodical (electronic), Non-periodical (Book), Non-periodical (chapter in a book), Proceeding of meetings or symposia, Doctoral Dissertations (including abstracts), Unpublished work, Audio-Visuals, Newspaper, Government documents, and Electronic Media. 5 Instructions for Writing the Scope and Context 1. As you write this, discuss what is and is not included. Regarding the topic or problem area, discuss what is and is not included in terms of concepts/theories, applications to different populations and settings. 1. Identify the forms (not types) of publications that are included. You don’t need to name specific articles, but identify the forms of literature to be included. 2. Identify the discipline(s) you are focusing in (e. g. , education, health, business, criminal justice, accounting, sociology)? Included specialized areas within these disciplines, such as: gender theories in sociology, accounting ethics, special education for specified populations, urban violence, etc. 3. Identify the scope in terms of the years (period of time) that your literature review covers and exclusions. 5. Discuss whether you are limiting your review to U. S. literature, and/or Global literature. For global literature, identify the â€Å"countries†. If seminal books are emphasized, include the titles. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature expands). Library Research Plan and Strategy Lecture THIS IS THE PLAN, NOT THE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE!! The review is presented in the second major section (Review of the Literature) Searching the Literature: A good review of the literature is dependent upon knowledge of the use of indexes and abstracts, the ability to conduct exhaustive bibliographic searches, and ability to organize the collected data meaningfully. Information literacy skills assist with information seeking and retrieval methods and scholarly communication. Recognize scholarly and peer reviewed journals (See Week 1 Lecture). The e-Learning tutorials about Lynn Library can assist research students with the development of literature reviews using electronic databases, abstracts, bibliographic software, Internet searching, Library catalogue searching, subject resources, off-campus searching, and research and writing skills. You need to complete the tutorials. Library Research Plan/Strategy: In reporting your library plan/strategy, identify concepts, themes (key words) or descriptors and search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Be consistent with the Literature map concepts and themes. Focus your search on primary scholarly works including: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry. Recognize the differences between these types of scholarly inquiry. Review dissertation abstracts. Did you do a Lynn Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn)? Did you search selected journals? Did you limit the search to peer-review journals? Did you limit the search to certain years? If you are having difficulty in your library search, you may make an appointment with the Reference Librarian who may assist in building effective search strategies. When visiting the Library, you should come prepared with your search words. Requesting Materials: It is suggested that you read the abstracts before requesting the materials from the Librarian, because certain abstracts may provide enough information to help you make a decision on the material’s relevance. Expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature, that is of value and relevant. While many published review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms†or firms that are â€Å"promoting†their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. Types and Forms of Literature: Minimum Requirements i. The preference is that you review a variety of types and forms of literature so that you many learn to: ii. Search for and evaluate different types and forms information iii. Integrate a variety of types information in the text of your paper iv. Recognize classic (seminal) works as well as current literature Give yourself time to read the material; do not make a library request for everything at once. Readings: Search Strategy worksheet: http://library. humboldt. edu/infoservices/sstrawrksht. htm http://www. noodletools. com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine. html http://www. lynn. edu/clientuploads/Library/Graduatestudentsmanual. doc 11 Instructions for Writing the Library Research Plan and Strategy In a Review, a discussion of the plan or strategy you used to develop your literature search is presented. Don’t discuss what you â€Å"will†do, but rather â€Å"what you did†. 1. Identify the descriptors (concepts, themes, theories, phrases/key words) used to search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Include â€Å"themes†or groups of words used in the search plan. Add the terms â€Å"theory†or â€Å"research†to your themes when you are searching. You should uses many â€Å"themes†to limit the search. Example of a theme for a library search: â€Å"leadership organizational performance research†. Try to include several themes. 2. Report databases used in your library search. 3. Indicate which of the following types of primary scholarly works were reviewed: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry (aim to obtain all of these)? 4. Were secondary citations of references used in your paper? Explain Why? Review APA p. 247 to understand a secondary citation of a source. Remember that these need to be limited. In your dissertation, you need to mostly use primary sources of literature. Remember that if you report literature from secondary sources in your paper use (as cited in __). 5. Explain if you reviewed dissertation abstracts (yes/no). If so, on what topics, which abstracts? You should use these. 6. Explain if you did a Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn or where? ) Yes/ or no 7. Provide the titles of the key journals reviewed. (Put these titles in Italics). 8. Indicated whether or not you limited the search to peer-reviewed journals? 9. Indicate if you limited the search to certain years? If so, which years? 10. Refer the reader to the example of a library Search Print-out that you will place in Appendix A. 11. Report any problems encountered in your library search and how these problems were managed. Refine this part with each new draft. Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis Lecture In this last part of the introduction to the literature review, you explain the importance and significance of the Review that will follow. As you read more, you will find more rationale as to why this review is important. Provide a transition sentence from this Introduction to the Review of the Literature. Then end with a statement that explains how the Review will conclude in the Discussion section. Example of concluding statement: As an emerging method of instructional delivery in higher education, and one that continually evolves with the growth in technology, it is important to understand its impact on learning, retention, instruction, and students. This critical analysis of the literature concludes with a summary and interpretation of theoretical, empirical, and methodological literature, conclusions, and recommendations for future scholarly inquiry into web-based instruction in distance education. 4 Instructions for Writing the Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis 1. Discuss if the topic is of limited interest, regional, national, or perhaps of global interest? Explain why? You can include personal interest based on experience and potential applications. 2. Describe why it is worth studying (or examining)? 3. Indicate that the presentation of the Review of the Literature follows 4. Develop a concluding statement (see example above, in lecture) to the effect that a synopsis and interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are presented at the end of the review in the discussion section. Refine this part with each new draft. Review of the Literature About ___ (add your topic) Lecture This is the second major part of this critical analysis. This has a long lecture. Now is the time to write â€Å"your in-depth Literature Review†. You laid the foundations for this section in the Introduction to the Review, to organize your review according to those themes. Present the theoretical literature (theories, model, constructs, concepts) about those themes, and empirical literature (studies) regarding those themes, in a proper manner. Follow the instructions (see presenting theoretical literature, and presenting empirical literature) in this Review of the Literature section. If you present the literature appropriately in this body of the review, then you will have information to present in the Discussion of the Literature. If you don’t, this Review falls apart. Only literature presented in this Review of the Literature can be analyzed in the next section, Discussion of the Literature. You will save a stitch in time, if you follow instructions and learn how to present theories, and how to present studies, including the authors stated limitations and recommendations for future inquiry, in addition to your critique of those studies. †¢ General comments: The theoretical and empirical literature is summarized, analyzed, evaluated, and synthesized in a more in-depth â€Å"coherent†manner within organized headings and sublevel headings. Specifically, information pertaining to theoretical, empirical, methodological, critical review, and case studies about the topic is reported. As reported previously, expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature to present, that is of value and relevant. While many published Review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. This will increase to 50 references in the qualifying paper. It certainly isn’t unusual to have over 100 references in a dissertation. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms†or firms that are â€Å"promoting†their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. As you present literature in your â€Å"word†document, it is okay to talk to yourself. Make notes in the document to your self. You can use different font colors or highlights for these messages to yourself. o Perhaps you want to leave a message to yourself to review a particular article that you didn’t yet have the chance to review, or o you want to search another theme. o Or you read an article, but didn’t have a chance yet to write about it – jot down notes o Use the word file as a tool where you keep all information in one place. You will find this technique very helpful in developing the qualifying paper, and in developing the your dissertation. The instructor does not mind (and in fact encourages you do to this, even in final copies0. Just make the messages â€Å"neat†– and not to distracting) Of utmost importance, is that you present your review appropriately. Practice doing it correctly immediately or you will be WASTING time (having to redo it later). †¢ Your review must be organized within the headings/sublevel headings. Insert the outline developed in the Introduction to the Review. Make sure that the outline is consistent with the organization of themes, concepts add theories in your literature map. †¢ It is ok if you reorganize or rename the themes, but make the changes if the Organization of the R (and literature map, in the prior section). You want the Introduction to the Review, Review of the Literature, and the Discussion section all to be â€Å"internally consistent†with one another. †¢ Instructions follow on how to present CRITICALLY present, theoretical and empirical literature. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Quotations and Paraphrasing and Critical Analysis †¢ This is a literature review, and not your opinion.
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